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It contains highly nutritious and perfectly balanced animal proteins anxiety 4th herefords 100 mg desyrel buy mastercard, which are consumed worldwide. The laying hen (corresponding to a female bird but in majority of cases used in experimental work, to a female chicken) deposits all components needed for the development of the embryo in the egg and, in addition, provides protective systems against physical and microbial attacks. The eggshell protects the contents of the egg from the external environment, controls the exchange of water and gases through pores during the extrauterine development of the chick embryo, and provides calcium for embryonic bone development once the yolk stores are depleted. The avian eggshell forms in a confined space, the distal segment of the hen oviduct, in an acellular uterine fluid that contains all inorganic (calcium and bicarbonate) and organic precursors of the shell matrix [1]. This mineral structure is one of the most impressive terrestrial adaptations in amniotes, allowing embryonic development in a nonaquatic environment; birds have this ability to mineralize a hard eggshell as is observed for other archosaurs. Such intense Ca2+ metabolism challenges calcium homeostasis in hens, particularly in the main organs contributing to the supply and transfer of calcium: intestine, uterus, bone, and, to a lesser extent, kidneys. Hens develop numerous physiological long- and short-term adaptations to support this large exportation of calcium and carbonate to provide the shell material. Hens also develop their mature secondary reproductive organ, the oviduct, in which the spatiotemporal sequences of egg formation take place following yolk ovulation: synthesis and secretion of albumen in the magnum, eggshell membrane deposition in the isthmus, and eggshell mineralization in the uterus [2]. Finally, hens exhibit a specific appetite for calcium in the hours preceding eggshell deposition [8,9]. Its level is very well correlated with the capacity of the tissue to transfer calcium [6,7]. During the daily laying cycle, rates of medullary bone resorption and accretion are highly stimulated [12,13] because of the desynchronization between calcium dietary consumption during the day and eggshell deposition, which mainly takes place during the night. During eggshell formation, the excretion of calcium is null, in contrast to the phosphorus excretion because of bone mobilization [15,16]. Finally, another target tissue for the calcium-regulating hormones is probably the uterus, which secretes the ionic precursors of the eggshell and concomitantly synthesizes and secretes the shell matrix proteins. The structure of the egg is similar for different species of birds: a yolk surrounded by an egg white, eggshell membrane, and, finally, enclosed by the eggshell. The egg components are produced sequentially by two different anatomical structures [2]. The liver produces the egg yolk components that are transported via the bloodstream and deposited in the ovary. During ovulation, the largest ovarian follicle releases a mature egg yolk into the oviduct. Then specialized segments of the oviduct synthesize and secrete the constituents of the outer vitelline membrane surrounding the yolk, the egg white (albumen), the shell membranes, and the eggshell. The ovary interacts with the pituitary gland and both tissues control each step of egg formation by secreting steroid and pituitary hormones, respectively. Therefore, each day there is a spatiotemporal sequence of egg formation controlled by the cycle of steroid and pituitary hormones, which markedly affects the calcium-regulating hormones and the organs, which are sensitive to their stimulation. In hens, it is possible to compare the specialized tissues involved in calcium metabolism at different physiological stages, on an hourly basis, using transcriptomic or proteomic analyses in vivo to obtain detailed information on the molecules involved in the different processes.

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Most retinal detachments are acutely symptomatic and prompt the patient to seek medical attention quickly anxiety symptoms for teens order desyrel 100 mg line. Some, however, are more indolent, and they may be present chronically and found only as an incidental finding on routine examination. The finding of an asymptomatic retinal tear in an otherwise normal, phakic eye may not require treatment. The pigment does not itself provide additional adhesion, but it is a marker of the presence of the tear without change over time and is reassuring of its benign nature. A chorioretinal adhesion that prevents access of liquid vitreous into the subretinal space can be produced with either cryopexy or photocoagulation. Cryopexy is a convenient treatment modality for treating retinal breaks anterior to the equator and can be applied in the setting of mild to moderate media opacity (vitreous hemorrhage, cataract) so long as the retinal break can be visualized. Treatment can be performed in the office examining chair or in a minor surgery area. While treatment is being applied, the surgeon watches the white spot develop and releases the freezing pedal when the white freezing reaction reaches the retina. Treating posterior tears can be difficult with cryopexy, as the conjunctival fornix may limit the posterior positioning of the cryo probe. The location of floaters and photopsias, however, has very little localizing value. It is important to remember that some patients without any obvious risk factors will develop retinal detachment, and some patients with multiple risk factors will not. Even if no retinal break can be found, it is important to remember that there is always at least one. Biomicroscopy of the freshly detached retina demonstrates that the wrinkling is confined to the outer retina only. In contrast, tracing the course of blood vessels, which lie on the inner retina, demonstrates smooth paths without any wrinkling. The outer retina, when swollen, is able to throw itself into folds, but the inner limiting membrane, being relatively inelastic, keeps the inner retina smooth. Pearls When using cryopexy to treat large retinal tears, applications to the center of the tear should be avoided. Photocoagulation has some theoretical advantages compared with cryopexy in situations in which the optical media are clear. The transparency may make detection of the retinal breaks much more difficult than in a recent detachment and may cause confusion with degenerative retinoschisis (see below). A number of other conditions may resemble retinal detachment and must be understood to ensure appropriate management.


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There are numerous pigment-containing macrophages in the retina and subretinal space anxiety 18 weeks pregnant purchase desyrel 100 mg line. The biochemical defect is a reduced activity of phytanic acid oxidase, and dietary restriction of phytanate precursors may slow down or stabilize the retinal degeneration. The connection between the accumulation of phytanic acid and clinical manifestations is not clear. Possibly, incorporation of excess phytanic acid into cellular membrane and myelin disturbs normal function. Given the concomitant adrenal insufficiency that can occur, all individuals with suspected or known adrenoleukodystrophy should be evaluated periodically for adrenal insufficiency. Patients with adrenoleukodystrophy amass longchain fatty acids and cholesterol esters, which results in adrenal dysfunction and demyelination. In terms of central nervous system effect, adrenoleukodystrophy is characterized by inflammatory demyelination, which results in symmetric loss of myelin in the cerebral and cerebellar white matter. The parietooccipital regions of the brain are usually affected first, with progression of the lesions toward the frontal or temporal lobes. There are two main phenotypes: a childhood form and an adult form, which is also called adrenomyeloneuropathy. The onset of the childhood form occurs between 5 and 10 years of age and manifests as behavioral changes, scholastic failure, or increased skin pigmentation, frequently precipitated by a viral syndrome. Clinical features include progressive dementia, gait disturbance, blindness, and adrenocortical failure leading to skin pigmentation and hypoadrenalism. Ptosis, strabismus, nystagmus, and ophthalmoplegia have also been associated with abetalipoproteinemia. Homozygotes are clinically indistinguishable from persons with abetalipoproteinemia. The visual acuity is usually unaffected by the pigmentary changes, but it can be reduced if optic atrophy or choroidal neovascularization develops. Hypobetalipoproteinemia can be distinguished from abetalipoproteinemia biochemically and genetically by the detection of low serum levels of lipoproteins in heterozygotes (usually the parent of the affected individual). The black macular pigmentary changes are believed to represent retinal pigment epithelial hypertrophy or hyperplasia in response to the irritative effects of the oxalate crystals. Each class of lipoprotein contains a characteristic B apoprotein, which forms the identification tag of the lipoprotein. A shorter version of the same apoprotein, apo B-48, is the apoprotein for chylomicrons. In patients with abetalipoproteinemia, the apoproteins are formed normally but accumulate intracellularly and are not secreted. The steatorrhea is caused by the inability of the enterocytes to secrete chylomicrons.

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Ocular toxicity with quinine develops after an overdose anxiety fear generic desyrel 100 mg free shipping, either by accidental ingestion or by attempted abortion or suicide. A syndrome known as cinchonism is rapidly produced and consists of nausea, vomiting, headache, tremor, and sometimes hypotension and loss of consciousness. When patients awake, they are often completely blind with dilated, unreactive pupils. During the next few days, visual acuity returns, but the patient is left with a small central island of vision. This was based primarily on the fundus appearance several weeks after ingestion, which displays marked arteriolar attenuation and optic disc pallor. Recent experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated minimal involvement of the retinal vasculature in the early stages of quinine toxicity. The exact mechanism of quinine toxicity is unidentified, but some have suggested that it may act as an acetylcholine antagonist and disrupt cholinergic transmission in the retina. Additionally, it emphasized that some patients of Asian descent can demonstrate a pattern of perifoveal retinopathy, rather than central macular involvement. A final consideration is that one needs to be aware that co-existing renal disease and/or concurrent tamoxifen usage may increase or hasten development of hydroxychloroquine retinopathy. With treatment lasting several months, clofazimine crystals may accumulate in the cornea. Cessation of treatment may result in the clearance of corneal deposits but does not appear to affect the retinopathy. Deferoxamine Intravenous and subcutaneous administration of deferoxamine (Desferal) has been used to treat patients who require repeated blood transfusions and in whom complications of iron overload subsequently develop. Similar phenotypes have been observed in adults, with chorioretinal atrophy anterior to the vascular arcades with corresponding hypoautofluorescence or mottled hyperautofluorescence and hypoautofluorescence. A retinopathy consisting of cotton-wool spots, intraretinal hemorrhages, and macular exudate and optic neuropathy with disc swelling have been reported after high-dose chemotherapy with cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, and carmustine and autologous bone marrow transplantation for metastatic breast cancer. In approximately 65% of patients receiving intra-arterial carmustine alone or combined with cisplatin for malignant glioma, a vascular retinopathy or optic neuropathy develops that can include arterial occlusion, vasculitis, and papillitis. Other ocular effects may include orbital pain, chemosis, secondary glaucoma, internal ophthalmoplegia, and cavernous sinus syndrome. Injection of the medication above the ophthalmic artery can still result in toxicity. The synthetic estrogen and progesterone contained in contraceptive pills are thought to affect coagulation factors adversely and induce a hypercoagulable state leading to thromboembolic complications. Most of the studies reporting ocular complications are from the 1960s and 1970s, when the estrogen concentrations used in the contraceptive pills were much higher. Recent prospective studies have not shown an increased incidence of ocular pathology in patients taking oral contraceptives. Changes are noted within the first 4 to 8 weeks of therapy and are seen more frequently in diabetic and hypertensive patients. Fundus photograph demonstrating extensive cotton-wool spots and retinal hemorrhages.

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Healing of the rickets anxiety zone dizziness generic 100 mg desyrel with amex, in these vitamin D-deficient animals, by treatment with vitamin D and phosphate, was associated with increases in both matrix vesicle and extracellular matrix mineralization [155]. Additionally, there is less bone mineral and, those mineral crystals present, tend to be larger and more perfect. The mineral properties of vitamin D insufficiency in human children with rickets have not been characterized in consequence of ethical reasons. Mineral in adults with osteomalacia, however, has been subjected to a more detailed analysis. An autopsy study of 675 bone biopsies and serum levels from a German population known to be vitamin D-deficient, sought to define a cutoff in vitamin D levels associated with osteomalacia (increased osteoid volume). The hypertrophic chondrocytes express the correct relative amounts of phenotypic markers of chondrocyte maturity, type X collagen, vascular endothelial growth factor, and osteopontin, but show decreased staining for annexin V-phosphatidyl serine, an early marker of apoptosis [163]. This suggests that impaired mineralization may be due to the failure of chondrocytes to undergo apoptosis, which, however, at least in culture, is not required for mineralization in avians [164] or mice [165]. A more likely possibility is that both calcium and phosphate levels are not sufficient to mineralize the growth plates, with apoptosis following rather than preceding mineralization. Additionally, both annexin and phosphatidyl serine are membrane components of extracellular matrix vesicles; thus, decreased staining for these components might suggest that the chondrocytes are not producing sufficient vesicles, or that vesicles lacking these components are not functional. However, even when hypocalcaemia and hyperparathyroidism are prevented by a high-calcium diet; osteoblast number, mineralization rate, and bone volume are reported not to be fully corrected [136]. Advanced glycation end products, whose accumulation weakens bones, were decreased, although the mechanism of this effect was not determined [167]. Patients lacking the 1-hydroxylase have pseudo-deficiency rickets or vitamin D-deficiency rickets type 1, with secondary hyperparathyroidism, growth retardation, rickets, and osteomalacia [174]. Mice that lack the 1-hydroxylase also present with hypocalcaemia, growth retardation, hyperosteoidosis, impaired mineralization, and increased matrix synthesis (rickets and osteomalacia) [175]. When stressed with very high doses of exogenous vitamin D to induce vitamin D toxicity, they present with elevated serum calcium levels, but did not show toxic effects found in wildtype animals [172]. Because it is likely that some of these osteoporotic patients could have osteomalacia, we tested the hypothesis that the mineral in osteomalacic bone was different from that in normal bone. These findings support the hypothesis that the reduced strength of osteomalacic bone originates in delayed primary mineralization and reduced mineralized tissue volume. Additionally, there is a direct action on bone, tooth, and cartilage mineralization because vitamin D has genomic and nongenomic effects on cells of mineralizing tissues. Vitamin D and its various forms alter the composition of the matrix as to maintain normocalcemia.


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The diagnosis is then confirmed by observing the constellation of fundus features described earlier anxiety fear purchase desyrel 100 mg visa. Patients with anomalous, tilted discs usually demonstrate an inferior scleral crescent with an irregular vascular pattern emanating from the optic nerve head and an 15. Progressive axial elongation distends the ocular coats and causes the peripapillary, retinal, choroidal, and scleral degenerative changes. There is also an associated thinning of the neurosensory retina, particularly in areas overlying choroidal atrophy. The thickness of the neurosensory macula is reduced partially because of thinning of the ganglion cell layer. In the hope of slowing down or preventing significant atrophic macular degeneration, scleral resection and reinforcement procedures have been performed. Limited reports indicate achievement of some degree of axial length or staphyloma stabilization. Both intravitreal ranibizumab treatment protocols were associated with similar visual acuity gains, with group 1 receiving a median of four injections compared to two injections in group 2. Lacquer cracks extending through the fovea, baseline visual acuity, and peripapillary choroidal atrophy were prognostic factors for visual acuity after treatment. A rim of pigment separating the optic disc from the adjacent atrophy may be present. Just superior to the fovea is a flat, atrophic chorioretinal scar with associated intraretinal hemorrhage from underlying choroidal neovascularization. Multifocal choroiditis is another condition that presents with multiple, atrophic "punched-out" lesions. The atrophic lesions in multifocal choroiditis, however, do not usually demonstrate marginal hyperpigmentation. Peripheral linear streaks may also be observed in multifocal choroiditis and myopic degeneration. The corresponding fluorescein angiogram shows (b) early hyperfluorescence and (c) late leakage, consistent with choroidal neovascularization. They should be instructed to monitor the integrity of their central vision with an Amsler grid on a daily basis and to report any new symptoms immediately. A prospective, uncontrolled study looked at 22 patients who completed 24-month follow-up. Additionally, 45% of patients gained at least 7 letters, while only 18% lost 8 or more letters. Intravitreal bevacizumab monotherapy was used in 116 eyes and these patients showed a significant improvement in visual acuity from 20/83 at baseline to 20/54 at 2 years. Patients with subfoveal lesions showed a significant improvement from 20/132 at baseline to 20/63 at 2 years.

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However anxiety symptoms 4 weeks desyrel 100 mg purchase with mastercard, some authors support the hypothesis of an involvement of additional paracellular transfer of calcium [6] because of the positive polarity of plasma with respect to mucosa. Until now, there has been no direct experimental evidence to support the involvement of the paracellular pathway, especially when considering the high capacity for calcium secretion in the uterus compared with other parts of the oviduct, i. In these upper parts of the oviduct, the conditions for passive calcium secretion would be more favorable because of lower concentrations of Ca2+ in the lumen; however, calcium is secreted at low levels. Moreover, regulation of proteins involved in calcium secretion or bicarbonate formation is observed only in the uterus and not in other parts of the oviduct, reinforcing the hypothesis of the predominance of a transcellular transport of Ca2+ [7,39,55,66]. Transepithelial transfer of Ca2+ occurs in three steps, as observed in all transporting epithelia: (1) Ca2+ influx through a downhill gradient, (2) intracellular Ca2+ transport involving calbindin D28K protein [64], and (3) active output into the lumen through Ca2+ pump extrusion [70]. Transcriptomic studies comparing the uterus and other parts of the oviduct, or comparing gene expression in the uterus at a period with or without eggshell formation, revealed numerous candidate transporters [39,55]. Obviously, more investigations are needed to identify which are the predominant transporters involved in Ca2+ entry in the glandular cells. The transfer of calcium and bicarbonate from the blood to the uterine fluid involves additional ionic movement to maintain cellular homeostasis. Large currents of Na+, K+, and Cl- contribute to maintenance of physiological ionic concentrations in the cell. Identification of uterine ion transporters for mineralisation precursors of the avian eggshell. In conclusion, identification of the ionic transporters in the uterus underlines some similarities with those involved at the intestinal level, even if the uterus is secreting calcium in contrast to the intestines, which are absorbing this ion. However, regulation differs largely between these tissues, intestinal calcium absorption being directly under the control of the vitamin D, in contrast to the uterus. This hypothesis is supported in birds by the observation that (1) the egg white proteins are secreted by a process of pinocytosis in the magnum and (2) by the presence of vacuoles containing particulate material in uterine cells as shown by scanning electron microscopy [78]. This regulation is expressed in the long term (sexual maturity and egg formation) and, in the short term, induced by the daily cycle of egg formation. Regulation of Vitamin D Metabolites in Hens Vitamin D is essential for maintaining egg production and shell quality in hens, 7. The current recommendations are higher in hens producing more than 300 eggs in a laying year (50 g/kg diet (6 g/day)) [81] and positively affects bone strength and egg production [80]. Its biological activity is slightly higher in birds than the nonhydroxylated form possibly as a consequence of a better intestinal absorption [82]. However, both vitamin D3 metabolism and regulation show large similarities in mammals and birds, but the magnitude of the fluctuations in hens relative to mammals is considerably larger.


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However anxiety symptoms of the heart order 100 mg desyrel with amex, if the view is compromised by corneal opacities, hyphema, or anterior chamber fibrin, lens removal should be deferred. As will be discussed later, lens substrate is an excellent nidus for bacterial proliferation; if lens material is not removed, the risk for infectious postoperative endophthalmitis increases significantly. Because ocular trauma often occurs in the young, the lens can usually be removed by aspiration techniques alone. Controversial Points Some clinicians recommend prophylactic scleral buckles in eyes in which the vitreous cavity has been penetrated. Cryotherapy applied along the extent of the scleral laceration during the primary repair has been debated, but this practice has fallen out of favor. The theoretic benefit of cryotherapy is to increase the retinal adhesion surrounding the lacerated area, thereby decreasing the risk for retinal detachment. Theoretically, prophylactic antibiotic use in the perioperative and postoperative period should help to decrease the risk for endophthalmitis. A prospective study of 30 ruptured globes identified prophylactic intravenous antibiotics as the only factor that significantly reduced the incidence of a culture-positive anterior chamber aspirate. It was shown to have a low minimal inhibitory concentration against 90% isolates and good vitreous penetration in noninflamed eyes when administered orally. Therefore, many systemically administered antibiotics will reach midvitreous concentrations that are not bactericidal or bacteriostatic and that are a fraction of what could be obtained with an intraocular injection of antibiotic. With this reasoning, some authors have proposed prophylactic use of intraocular antibiotics. Retinal vascular infarction caused by aminoglycoside use has further dissuaded physicians from administering prophylactic intravitreal antibiotics. We recommend using intraocular antibiotics in eyes for which the index of suspicion for endophthalmitis is high based on clinical signs or the setting of the injury. Specific preoperative and intraoperative signs and symptoms that should alert the physician to this possibility include severe pain, severe inflammation, hypopyon, vitreous opacification, or retinal vascular sheathing. In addition, injuries incurred in a rural setting should alert the physician to an increased risk for endophthalmitis. In addition, Jindal et al found that the microbiological spectrum of posttraumatic endophthalmitis over 14 years remained unchanged, with Bacillus being the most frequently encountered species. The fundamental principles governing adjunctive antibiotics include the following: Administration of an antibiotic active against the etiologic organism Contact between the antibiotic and the organism Minimal toxic side effects With these principles in mind, antibiotic delivery is administered via intravenous, oral, subconjunctival, intraocular, and topical routes. Intravenous vancomycin has good intraocular penetration and is effective against Bacillus, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus species.

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This electrical system may seem puzzling anxiety symptoms in 2 year old desyrel 100 mg buy fast delivery, insofar as most nerve cells respond to stimulation by an opening of sodium channels and depolarization. The difficulty is not with the photoreceptor, however, but with our anthropomorphic notion that light must be the stimulus. If you think of a photoreceptor as a cell at rest in the light, then stimulation with a shot of darkness produces a typical depolarizing sensory response. The propensity of photoreceptors to be "stimulated" in the dark is, in fact, very important to understand their metabolism. Because the photoreceptors spend extended periods of time with open sodium channels in a state of depolarization, the cells would swell and die unless there were a means to remove the sodium as fast as it comes in. The energy demands of this pump give the photoreceptor one of the highest metabolic rates in the body. The choriocapillaris has one of the highest flow rates per unit area of any vascular tissue to supply a surplus of oxygen for this metabolic activity. The mechanism by which these defects lead to gradual photoreceptor decompensation remains to be shown. The explanation of this curious symptomatology is that without normal arrestin, the transduction process cannot be turned off quickly, and rods that are activated remain hyperpolarized with a loss of sensitivity. Another rod protein, called (somewhat inappropriately) recoverin, blocks rhodopsin phosphorylation in the presence of high calcium concentrations. Thus, it prevents shutoff of the cascade and may help to regulate internal calcium. Pearls Several retinal disorders are known to involve specific components of the photoreceptive cascade and visual pigment regeneration cycle. In other words, the response of a photoreceptor to the onset of light is much larger than to a light that is maintained over time. At very dim light levels (scotopic illumination), only rods are functional, but as the background light gets brighter and brighter the rod response gets progressively saturated until rods can no longer respond at all. This occurs at moderate levels of light, at which we begin to see colors (mesopic illumination). Only cones are functional at higher levels of light (photopic illumination), but cones can adjust (adapt) over a large range of brightness without saturating, which is fortunate and allows us to function outside on a sunny day. The process of chemical adaptation, which was described earlier, is necessary to gain maximum sensitivity in a dark environment, but it would be dysfunctional in the real world if we had to wait 20 or 30 minutes every time we entered a dimly lit room.

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Culture-proven endogenous endophthalmitis: clinical features and visual acuity outcomes anxiety symptoms yahoo answers generic 100 mg desyrel fast delivery. Fungal eye disease at a tertiary care center: the utility of routine inpatient consultation. Other Zoonotic Infections-Cestodes and Trematodes Cestodal and other flatworm infections of the eye are typically food borne and are easy to detect because of the large size of the organisms. Translucent, fluid-filled cystic structures in the vitreous or subretinal space can be stimulated with light to produce movement of the protoscolex and confirm viability. Ultrasound examination shows a vesicle with a highly reflective spot indicating the scolex. Ophthalmomyiasis interna is caused by segmented larvae of flies and results from penetrative laying of eggs directly into the conjunctival sac or skin followed by migration into the eye. Characteristic crisscrossing tracks in the pigment epithelium suggest the diagnosis, but the larvae cannot always be identified. Similar tracks occur in the pigmentary epitheliopathy of Guamanian natives, yet maggots have not been retrieved from these eyes. Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis: risk factors, clinical features, and treatment outcomes in mold and yeast infections. Utility of tissue culture for detection of Toxoplasma gondii in vitreous humor of patients diagnosed with toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Polymerase chain reaction analysis of aqueous and vitreous specimens in the diagnosis of posterior segment infectious uveitis. Detection of Treponema pallidum in aqueous humor by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The response of symptomatic neurosyphilis to high-dose intravenous penicillin G in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Neuroretinitis due to seronegative syphilis associated with human immunodeficiency virus. Evaluation of the United States public health service guidelines for discontinuation of anticytomegalovirus therapy after immune recovery in patients with cytomegalovirus retinitis. Retinal complications in patients with solid organ or bone marrow transplantations. Incidence of cytomegalovirus retinitis in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Course of cytomegalovirus retinitis in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy: five-year outcomes. Treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis with an intraocular sustained-release ganciclovir implant.

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  • Cannizarro G, Torchio C, Felice P, et al. Immediate occlusal versus non-occlusal loading of single zirconia implants. A multicentre pragmatic randomised clinical trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2010;3:111-120.