Jacqueline M. Cook, MD

  • Department of Medicine
  • Yale University School of Medicine
  • Yale-New Haven Hospital
  • New Haven, CT

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With heated coccidioidin as antigen symptoms untreated hiv infection discount mebendazole 100 mg visa, the test detects IgM antibodies against Coccidioides and is most useful for diagnosing recent infections. These antibodies can be found in 75% of patients within 1 week after the onset of symptoms, and 90% are positive within 3 weeks. IgM antibodies disappear within a few months in persons with acute pulmonary disease. IgG antibodies can usually be detected within 2 to 6 weeks after onset of symptoms. These antibodies do not appear until 4 to 12 weeks after infection, but may persist for long periods in individuals with chronic pulmonary or disseminated disease. Testing of serial samples to detect rising or falling titers can reveal progression or regression of illness and the response to treatment. Diagnosis Coccidioides immitis can be identified in sputum or other fluids in wet-mount preparations with the addition of 10% potassium hydroxide. The spherules are relatively large and their walls are doubly refractile, if the light is reduced. The histological recognition of coccidioidal infection rests on the identification of the spherules. Culture Cultures from sputum and specimens obtained by bronchoscopy are more helpful than those from pulmonary nodules. Large yeast cells can be identified by the multiple peripheral buds (Grocott methenamine silver stain). False-positive reactions have been obtained with samples from about 10% of patients with other endemic fungal infections and a positive antigen test result should be verified by other methods. It is best to examine multiple sections to demonstrate both spherules and endospores. Treatment and prognosis the treatment consists of amphotericin B deoxycholate or azoles. At 37 C in tissues and in cultures, it forms oval to round yeasts with multiple buds. The fungus is a white mold composed of thin, septate hyphae that produce chlamydoconidia, and when cultured produces < 5 m asexual propagules known as microconidia; the latter are believed to be the infectious particles. The contents may be basophilic or amphophilic with H&E and tend to retract from the wall. In longstanding fibrogranulomatous lesions, the yeasts may be fragmented, distorted and unevenly stained by fungal stains. Organism Epidemiology Paracoccidioidomycosis has a very restricted geographic distribution confined to Central and South America. Sporadic cases have been reported in North America, Europe and elsewhere in patients who had previously resided in endemic areas. The route of infection has not been determined, although inhalation seems more likely than direct inoculation. No animal reservoir has been identified, but the disease has been reported in armadillos.

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Activation of the estrogen receptor contributes to the progression of pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis via matrix metalloproteinase-induced cell invasiveness antiviral condoms buy mebendazole 100 mg with amex. Effect of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue on lung function in lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Sirolimus ameliorated post lung transplant chylothorax in lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Efficacy of sirolimus in treating tuberous sclerosis and lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Persistent chylothorax in lymphangioleiomyomatosis treated by intrapleural instillation of povidone. Sirolimus amelioration of clinical symptoms of recurrent lymphangioleiomyomatosis after living-donor lobar lung transplantation. High frequency of pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis in women with tuberous sclerosis complex. Mutational and radiographic analysis of pulmonary disease consistent with lymphangioleiomyomatosis and micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia in women with tuberous sclerosis. Transbronchial biopsy in 1298 Chapter 33: Mesenchymal and miscellaneous neoplasms lymphangiomyomatosis of the lung. Immunohistochemical detection of steroid receptors in a case of pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Chromosome 16 loss of heterozygosity in tuberous sclerosis and sporadic lymphangiomyomatosis. Molecular and genetic analysis of disseminated neoplastic cells in lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Recurrent lymphangiomyomatosis after transplantation: genetic analyses reveal a metastatic mechanism. Opinion: migrating cancer stem cells: an integrated concept of malignant tumour progression. Decline in lung function in lymphangioleiomyomatosis: relation to menopause and progesterone treatment. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis: a report of 46 patients including a clinicopathologic study of prognostic factors. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis in a postmenopausal woman: case report with review of literature. Exacerbation of pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis by exogenous oestrogen used for infertility treatment.

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Antibodies against alveolar epithelial cells and immune complex deposition within pulmonary capillaries are possible initiators antiviral genes buy 100 mg mebendazole free shipping. Neutrophils and mast cells may contribute to local injury and fibrosis, through release of oxidants, proteases and fibrogenic cytokines. This disappointing finding has led to a recent shift from an inflammatory model to one of abnormal tissue repair, in which inflammation is secondary to repeated episodes of epithelial injury, resulting in failure of re-epithelialization, and abnormal tissue repair. Thus, the fibroblast/myofibroblast regulators of extracellular matrix remodeling and fibrotic mediators assume a central role in the pathogenesis of this disease. The number of fibroblastic foci present in a biopsy is predictive of the rate of disease progression. Newer drugs, of uncertain benefit, include antioxidants such as N-acetyl cysteine,105 and antifibrotic agents, such as bosentan,106 etanercept107 and imatinib. Clinical variables associated with poorer prognosis include age > 50 years at diagnosis, male gender, symptomatic periods of more than 1 year, severe symptoms, reduced pulmonary function and poor response to steroids. There is some evidence that molecular phenotypes and circulating biomarkers of disease, such as numbers of circulating fibrocytes and levels of alpha-defensins, may provide prognostic information. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006;15:654:8, Official Journal of the American Thoracic Society. This was because it was recognized that as well as showing a spectrum of histological features from cellular to fibrotic types, it was a pattern not uncommonly seen in other interstitial lung diseases, and that idiopathic cases were poorly characterized. Pulmonary function tests usually show a restrictive pattern with reduced gas transfer. Serological abnormalities are reported with positive rheumatoid factor and anti-nuclear antibodies identified in one study in 43% and 23% of patients, respectively. There is no evidence of either bronchocentric or subpleural/paraseptal distribution. Katzenstein and Fiorelli initially classified the disease into three subtypes, cellular, fibrotic and mixed cellular-fibrotic. It is temporally and spatially uniform across affected areas of lung, although the distribution can be patchy. There may be occasional buds of organizing pneumonia but true fibroblastic foci are either absent or very infrequent. Therefore clinicopathological correlation is essential to reach the correct final diagnosis. In this last instance, a clinical history of acute lung injury may aid in this distinction. It is a subjective distinction as to whether the fibrosis or the accumulation of intra-alveolar macrophages represents the predominant feature. It shows an equal sex distribution with a mean age of 49 years at presentation (range 7:83 yr). Patients typically present with a fairly acute onset over 1:3 weeks of dyspnea and cough, rapidly progressing to respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation.

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Mineral fiber content of lung tissue in patients with environmental exposures: household contacts vs antiviral natural products order mebendazole 100 mg visa. Residential proximity to naturally occurring asbestos and mesothelioma risk in California. Malignant mesothelioma and occupational exposure to asbestos: a clinicopathological correlation of 1445 cases. Mineral fiber analysis and routes of exposure to asbestos in the development of mesothelioma in an English region. Mesothelioma of pleura and peritoneum following exposure to asbestos in the London area. Relationship between occupations and asbestos fibre content of lungs in patients with pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer and other diseases. Domestic asbestos exposure, lung fibre burden and pleural mesothelioma in a housewife. Comparison of fibre types and size distributions on lung tissues of paraoccupational and occupational cases of malignant mesothelioma. Fiber concentrations in lung tissue of patients with malignant mesothelioma: a case-control study. Assessment by analytical microscopy of the total lung fibre burden in mesothelioma patients matched with four other pathological series, Ann Occup Hyg 1988;32 (suppl 1):213:23. Environmental and occupational exposures to chrysotile asbestos: a comparative microanalytic study. Malignant mesothelioma associated with low pulmonary tissue asbestos burdens: a light and scanning electron microscopic analysis of 18 cases. The pathogenesis of long versus short fibre samples of amosite asbestos administered to rats by inhalation and intraperitoneal injection. Black spots and hyaline pleural plaques on the parietal pleura of 150 urban necropsy cases. In vivo accumulation of iron on crocidolite is associated with decrements in oxidant generation by the fiber. Role of iron in asbestos body induced oxidant radical generation, J Toxicol Environ Health 2009;58:279:87. Asbestos and other ferruginous bodies: their formation and clinical significance Am J Pathol 1981;102:447:56. Concentrations and dimensions of coated and uncoated asbestos fibers in the human lung. The enigmatic asbestos body: its formation and significance in asbestos-related disease. A comparison of the ferruginous body and uncoated fiber content in the lungs of former asbestos workers.

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Many patients have some associated or underlying pathology hiv infection rate in zimbabwe 100 mg mebendazole buy overnight delivery, and the age and sex incidence depends to a large extent on this. There may be a minor interstitial component immediately surrounding the involved airways but the lung parenchyma is characteristically spared and alveolar septa are not expanded. Nonspecific secondary changes, such as accumulation of foamy macrophages in the distal lung, are due to bronchiolar occlusion or narrowing. At one end of the spectrum, there is some overlap with follicular bronchiolitis, and when the lymphoid infiltrate is particularly dense the distinction from malignant lymphoma is the main consideration. Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia represents a nonspecific response of pulmonary lymphoid tissue to a variety of stimuli. A mixed interstitial infiltrate including plasma cells is associated with alveolar septal fibrosis. Respiratory symptoms include cough and increasing dyspnea, and these may be accompanied by systemic symptoms, such as weight loss, low-grade pyrexia and night sweats. Pulmonary function studies show a restrictive pattern, with reduction of carbon monoxide diffusing capacity, and bronchoalveolar lavage features a lymphocytosis. Serum dysproteinemias occur in up to 80% of patients, usually as a polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. Plain chest radiography typically shows bilateral, predominantly lower zone, reticular or reticulonodular infiltrates. The results are variable but most patients show some improvement, and some show complete resolution. Prognosis is similarly unpredictable with up to 50% of patients dying within 5 years, often of opportunist infection following immunosuppression. Microscopically, the dominant feature is a diffuse lymphoid infiltrate expanding the pulmonary interstitium. The infiltrate usually involves respiratory bronchioles, larger bronchioles and peribronchiolar tissues being either uninvolved or showing a lesser degree of involvement than in follicular bronchiolitis. In contrast to marginal zone lymphoma, many of the small lymphocytes in the interstitium and expanded alveolar septa are T-cells. Differential diagnosis the distinction from other forms of interstitial pneumonia depends on the degree and extent of the lymphoid infiltrate 1320 Chapter 34: Pulmonary lymphoproliferative diseases Pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia Pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia was a term first suggested by Kradin and Mark as more appropriate than pseudolymphoma, a term no longer used. In the largest series, there was a wide age range, from 19 to 80 years, with slightly more females than males. Most lesions were incidental findings on routine chest radiographs and the majority were single.

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The airspaces are filled with plugs of organizing immature fibroblastic tissue comprising myofibroblasts and loose matrix elements hiv infection percentage generic 100 mg mebendazole with visa. There may be extensive squamous metaplasia and secondary acute inflammatory changes with neutrophils in cystic spaces. In the latter stages there is usually vascular remodeling with extensive medial hypertrophy of muscular pulmonary arteries, irregular intimal fibrosis in both arteries and veins, and arteriolization of pulmonary arterioles. Pulmonary veins also show marked intimal fibrosis, most likely secondary to the pulmonary fibrosis. Destruction of the pulmonary vascular bed leads to secondary pulmonary hypertension. The factors responsible for the clearance of the immature organizing exudative process are poorly understood. Apoptosis of myofibroblasts combined with phagocytosis of the debris and immature extracellular matrix elements are suggested mechanisms. If resolution occurs early, before the development of fibrosis, then the lung architecture may return to near normal. Patients with more protracted courses are often left with variable degrees of established lung fibrosis and subsequent loss of respiratory function (Table 2). Intra-alveolar fibrin without hyaline membranes is seen along with scattered foci of organizing pneumonia (see Chapter 10). Some caution must be exercised in interpreting post-mortem studies as, by definition, only the most severely ill patients are included. However, as discussed above, recent studies have suggested that other patterns of lung injury may be seen in some of these patients. Risk factors for adverse events during bronchoscopy in mechanically ventilated patients are well recognized and include hemorrhage, arrythmias, hypoxia and pneumothorax. Thirdly, although the procedure is regarded as safe, it usually demands additional oxygen and transient neuromuscular blockade in already very sick patients. In general, tracheal aspirates yield a high false-positive rate for pneumonia, largely due to frequent colonization of the proximal airways. Few studies have specifically addressed the utility of transbronchial biopsy in this setting. In mechanically ventilated patients with respiratory failure caused by various diagnoses, transbronchial biopsy seems to provide diagnostic information about half of the time, with an appreciable risk of complications such as pneumothorax, bleeding, hypotension and hypoxia. A larger body of evidence exists for this procedure, generally performed in cases refractory to treatment or in which diagnostic uncertainty remains. Complications were reported in 20:40% of patients, with air leak being the most prominent. Deaths directly attributable to the procedure were rare, approximately 1%, although one study reported a rate of 8. Macrophages secrete cytokines, which act locally to stimulate chemotaxis and activate neutrophils. Neutrophils release oxidants, proteases and leukotrienes and pro-inflammatory molecules, which promote tissue damage.

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