James E. Tisdale, PharmD, BCPS, FCCP, FAPhA, FAHA

  • Professor, College of Pharmacy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
  • Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana


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Triglyceride If the ascitic fluid is opalescent or frankly milky treatment models generic 3 ml lumigan with visa, a triglyceride level should be obtained. Chylous ascites has a triglyceride concentration of >200 mg/dL and usually >1000 mg/dL [49]. Bilirubin An ascitic fluid bilirubin level greater than 6 mg/dL and greater than the serum level of bilirubin suggests biliary or upper gut perforation into ascites [9,37]. Tests that are seldom helpful Surgical peritonitis patients have ascitic fluid that is at the extreme end of the spectrum of abnormality and would be predicted to have the lowest pH. In the two largest and most recent studies the ascitic fluid pH was not found to be helpful [50,51]. In one study the pH was found to be only about 40% sensitive in detecting infection, and the pH was found to remain normal (>7. An abdominal paracentesis must be performed and ascitic fluid must be analyzed before a confident diagnosis of ascitic fluid infection can be made. A "clinical diagnosis" of infected ascitic fluid without a paracentesis is not enough. Serum analysis Measurement of serum albumin concentration is required to determine the albumin gradient. Measurement of serum bilirubin or triglyceride concentration may be of value in comparison to the ascitic fluid concentrations. In the former, the median value is 166 pg/mL and in the latter it is 6100 pg/mL, with no overlap [17]. The adjective "monomicrobial" is used to distinguish this form of ascitic fluid infection from polymicrobial bacterascites. This diagnosis should be suspected when: (i) the paracentesis is difficult because of ileus and/or it is traumatic; (ii) stool and/or air are aspirated into the paracentesis syringe. Polymicrobial bacterascites is essentially diagnostic of inadvertent gut perforation by the paracentesis needle. The liver disease is usually chronic, as in cirrhosis, but may be subacute, as in subfulminant hepatic failure or acute as in alcoholic hepatitis. The only prerequisite, in addition to the presence of ascites, for the development of the former infection is the presence of a surgical source of infection. The pneumococcus is the only frequently isolated organism that does not reside in the gut. Although direct transmural migration of bacteria from the gut into ascites has been postulated as a route of colonization of ascitic fluid, this has been documented only after the loss of gut mucosal integrity [61]. If organisms could easily traverse the gut wall and directly enter the fluid, polymicrobial infections would be the rule rather the exception, and the flora of spontaneous ascitic fluid infections would be more representative of the flora of the gut.

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In this substage of mild portal hypertension the main mechanism is increased intrahepatic resistance treatment 2 go order lumigan 3 ml with amex. Although the main pathogenic mechanism in compensated cirrhosis is portal hypertension, in decompensated cirrhosis the main pathogenic mechanism is the hyperdynamic circulatory state and liver insufficiency, although portal hypertension remains prognostically significant [72], particularly in patients with variceal hemorrhage [73,74]. Substages in the setting of decompensated cirrhosis are not yet as clearly defined as in the compensated stage. It is now clear, however, that the different decompensating events have in themselves a different prognosis. Previously, patients with decompensated cirrhosis had been stratified into those with ascites with or without varices (stage 3) and those with gastrointestinal bleeding with or without ascites (stage 4) [75], with a poorer prognosis for stage 4. However, this substaging needs to be abandoned as it has been shown that patients with ascites have a significantly poorer outcome than those presenting with variceal hemorrhage as the only decompensating event [64], including a study that used competing risk analysis [61]. The natural history of cirrhosis consists of a progression across different prognostic stages, with the compensated and decompensated stages being the most important. A stage of "further" decompensation, as defined by the development of refractory ascites, hepatorenal syndrome, recurrent variceal hemorrhage and recurrent/persistent hepatic encephalopathy, is likely to provide a larger prognostic differential among these patients. A final stage characterized by multiorgan failure, termed "acute-on-chronic" liver failure, is associated with the worst prognosis. Chapter 12: Management of Portal Hypertension 311 Therefore, the prognosis (and management) of a patient with variceal hemorrhage depends greatly on the presence or absence of other decompensating event(s) [76]. Patients who die of decompensated cirrhosis often do so after development of "further decompensation," that is, when worsening of the pathophysiological mechanisms (portal hypertension, hyperdynamic circulatory state, and/or liver insufficiency) led to a complication of the initial decompensating event. Specifically, the development of diuretic-refractory ascites, hyponatremia, and hepatorenal syndrome represent a state of "further" or late decompensation as their development depends on a worsening of cardiohemodynamic abnormalities and inflammatory state [77,78]. Patients with variceal hemorrhage who develop recurrent variceal hemorrhage would also belong to a stage of "further" decompensation, particularly if they concomitantly develop other decompensating event(s) [76]. The development of events that indicate a further or late decompensated stage may be triggered by an event that may or may not be clinically evident. Bacterial infections occur in both compensated and decompensated cirrhosis and are a frequent precipitant of the so-called acute-onchronic liver failure, which is a state of multiorgan failure, in which, in addition to renal failure (hepatorenal syndrome) there is liver failure (jaundice), failure of the coagulation system (hypofibrinogenemia), failure of the nervous system (encephalopathy), and failure of the pulmonary system (hypoxemia) in the setting of circulatory failure (hypotension). This stage is the terminal stage of cirrhosis with 28-day mortalities of 32% in the presence of two organ failures and 77% in the presence of three organ failures as reported in a European consortium [79]. Similar results relating organ failures with survival were found in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis with bacterial infections in a North American consortium [80]. Pressure in the portal vein needs to be described as a gradient between the portal vein pressure and the pressure in a systemic vein.

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There is less agreement about the prognostic significance of the extent of neutrophilic infiltration treatment centers near me lumigan 3 ml purchase with amex, the degree of steatosis, or the presence of mega-mitochondria [74,77,78]. It is most frequently found in association with myofibroblast proliferation and is linked to perisinusoidal fibrosis in zone 3 of the lobule [79]. The active perisinuoidal fibrosis forms fibrous septa within the lobule and creates micronodules with little regenerative activity when patients are actively drinking. The fibrous obliteration of the terminal venules may dramatically alter the microcirculation within the liver [39]. As fibrosis becomes progressively more extensive, there is a decrease in the degree of fatty infiltration. Remodeling, regeneration and regression of fibrosis during prolonged abstinence may lead to changes in the size of the nodules and incomplete fibrous septa without regenerative nodules [80,81]. In this setting, the size of the nodules may be very irregular with a pattern of mixed micro and macronodular cirrhosis. Epidemiologic estimates of the risk of alcoholic liver disease Studies of risk-modifying factors on health outcomes such as cirrhosis within a defined geographical or temporal population are referred to as ecological studies. Ecological studies are useful for defining macro trends and permit comparison between countries or over time. Estimating consumption for individuals within a population requires detailed survey data. Studies of this type are subject to errors if death certificates do not list alcohol as the cause of cirrhosis. Validating death certificates with alcohol consumption obtained from hospital records and other sources reportedly doubles the number of cases of alcohol-related cirrhosis [82]. In many studies, alcohol is presumed to be the cause of cirrhosis, but the recent cohort of patients with hepatitis C-related cirrhosis in western countries has made interpretation of these data more challenging. Similarly changes in alcohol consumption over time have also shown a strong correlation with cirrhosis mortality rates [5]. Fatty liver A case-control autopsy study of individuals who died in automobile crashes showed fatty liver in 56% of those who had a blood alcohol concentration >0. Most of them were heavy drinkers based on information gathered from family members. A similar prevalence of fatty liver is found in patients with alcohol use disorders admitted for detox [86,87].

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The main drugs reported to cause chronic hepatitis and/or cirrhosis are listed in Box 27 medicine youtube order 3 ml lumigan fast delivery. The clinicobiological pattern is usually that of cholestatic or mixed liver injury [88,90,170]. Only histological examination enables the demonstration of small bile duct lesions [88,90,170]. Allopurinol Amiodarone Amoxicillin-clavulanate Aprindine Aspirin Azathioprine Carbamazepine Carbimazole Carbutamide Cephalexin Chlorpromazine Clindamycin Clofibrate Cotrimoxazole Cyclofenil Dapsone Dapsone Diazepam Diclofenac Dicloxacillin Difebarbamate Diflunisal Diltiazem Disopyramide Enflurane Estroprogestatives Feprazone Flucloxacillin Fluconazole Flumequine Glibenclamide Glyburide Gold salts Halothane Hydralazine Isoniazid Ketoconazole Lovastatin Mesalazine Methimazole Methotrexate Methyldopa Minocycline Naproxen Nitrofurantoin Nomifensine Ofloxacin Oxacillin Oxyphenbutazone Papaverine Penicillin Penicillamine Perhexiline Phenazone Phenindione Phenprocoumon Phenylbutazone Phenytoin Piroxicam Procainamide Procarbazine Quinidine Quinine Ranitidine Sulfadiazine Sulfadimethoxine Sulfadoxine Sulfamethoxazole Sulfanilamide Sulfathiazole Sulfasalazine Tacrine Ticlopidine Tocainide Tolbutamide Troglitazone Box 27. The main agents reported to cause vascular lesions of the liver are listed in Box 27. Despite a clinicopathological picture similar to primary biliary cholangitis, the clinical course of drug-induced prolonged cholestasis is overall much better [90,92,93,170]. The main drugs reported to cause acute and chronic cholangitis are listed in Box 27. Benign and malignant tumors There are few drugs that have been established to cause liver tumors. Acepromazine Ajmaline Allopurinol Amitriptyline Amoxicillin-clavulanate Ampicillin Azathioprine Barbiturate Candesartan cilexetil Carbamazepine Carbutamide Cefoperazone Chlorothiazide Chlorpromazine Chlorpropamide Cimetidine Ciprofloxacin Clometacin Cyamemazine Cyproheptadine Dantrolene Diazepam Difetarsone Doxycycline Erythromycin + chlorpropamide Etretinate Fenofibrate Flucloxacillin Glibenclamide Gold salts Haloperidol Hydralazine Imipramine Interleukin-2 Methahexamide Methyltestosterone Norandrostenolone Penicillamine Phenylbutazone Phenytoin Prochlorperazine Propoxyphene (dextropropoxyphene) Ramipril Rosiglitazone Sulindac Tenoxicam Terbinafine Tetracycline Thiabendazole Ticlopidine Tiopronin Tolbutamide Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole Troleandomycin Xenylamine Box 27.

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Macrovesicular steatosis is seen in other inherited metabolic diseases anima sound medicine lumigan 3 ml order amex, most of which present in childhood. These include glycogen storage diseases, galactosemia, tyrosinemia, heterozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia, and abetalipoprotenemia. Presentation in infancy and distribution in the reticuloendothelial cells typically distinguish the lipid storage disorders [385]. Improvement in control groups (placebo effect) is seen consistently in pharmacologic studies and probably reflects voluntary lifestyle changes. Chapter 32: Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 891 improvement in histology, although sampling error is a potential problem requiring reporting of liver biopsy details (length and/or portal tracts). Surrogate markers for liver injury include serum aminotransferases, hepatic fat content by imaging techniques, and serological markers of fibrosis such as collagen metabolites or cell injury such as keratin fragments. Novel markers of histological injury (mainly in the research setting) include immunohistochemistry for oxidative cell injury, fat stains (oil red O), digital quantitative imaging for fibrosis, hepatocyte ultrastructure, and markers of stellate cell activation [390]. These parameters are used as surrogates for cell injury and ultimately progression to cirrhosis. Although cirrhosis is an established prognostic indicator, ultimately any intervention will require translation into outcomes of liver-related morbidity and mortality; such studies will, however, require many years to accrue. It seems likely that the efficacy of this approach will depend on earlier intervention. Initial intervention Optimistically, diet modification and exercise can be accomplished in obese patients with success as high as 80% of patients achieving dietary goals and 36% achieving exercise goals [391]. Pessimistically, even intensive counseling to reduce fat intake (<30% of daily calories) and to engage in regular physical activity produces only a modest 5% sustained weight loss [392,393]. However, successful intervention can significantly reduce liver fat even with modest changes. Weight reduction through nutritional counseling is associated with improved aminotransferases and histology, usually in parallel with improved insulin signaling [407,408]. Significant improvement in aminotransferases and histology was seen in adults treated with diet (25 kcal/kg ideal body weight/day) and exercise (walking and jogging) for 3 months compared to a control group [409]. Similarly, improvement was seen in metabolic and histological parameters (steatosis, inflammation, and ballooning) after 2 years intervention in pediatric cases [410]. Specific diet plans such as low carbohydrate diets [413] or reduced calorie diet may be less important than finding one that is sustainable. Dietary composition (omega 3 fatty acids, fructose, fast food, and coffee) Changes in dietary composition appear to be particularly important.

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Angar, 25 years: A human in vitro granuloma model for the investigation of multinucleated giant cell and granuloma formation. A worsening of portal hypertension may be anticipated because of the marked increase in blood volume and azygos flow that occurs during normal pregnancy. Cystic diseases Simple biliary cysts Simple biliary cysts are common (510% of the population).

Keldron, 50 years: Moreover, excess fructose consumption appears to aggravate marginal copper status. Diagnosis the detection of schistosome eggs in the stool is the most useful diagnostic method for documenting active infection. In about one third of patients, serum transaminase levels are more than 5 times the upper limit of normal at presentation and in most of them they decrease by half every 2 days [7].

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