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Many patients will also be taking other drugs that could cause hypoglycaemia so the combination needs to be looked at women's health clinic epworth buy nolvadex 10 mg online. It is preferable to reduce the insulin acting during the exertion (and afterwards if exercise is vigorous or prolonged exercise). If the exercise is very vigorous, unusual, or hazardous, take about 15­45 g every 30­60 mins and afterwards. Encourage blood glucose testing as the symptoms of hypoglycaemia can be hidden by the sweating, tachycardia, and breathlessness of exercise. For planned exercise, the insulin acting during the time of exertion should be reduced beforehand. The next dose of insulin may also need to be reduced after vigorous or endurance exercise. Hypoglycaemia may occur up to 24 hrs after exercise as the body replenishes its glycogen stores. This should be done four times a day (before each meal and before bed) and also immediately before and after the exercise until it has become familiar. As people train regularly, they will need less extra food for exercise and less insulin reduction. Glucose control in dangerous activities this applies mainly to people on insulin injections. Other sports involve taking responsibility for others, as either coach or leader, or in sharing safety. There is little or no margin for error and the individual must ensure that hypoglycaemia will not occur. It is safer to have a buddy who knows about the diabetes and what to do if hypoglycaemia occurs. Reduce the insulin dose which acts during the activity by 20 % (50 % if hypoglycaemia prone or no warning of hypoglycaemia). Eat an appropriate double snack if there has been a long preparation time for the activity, especially if this has involved exercise. The aim is for the activity to take place on rising glucose from gut absorption which is independent of insulin concentration. The same principles can be applied for situations in which hypoglycaemia could let the person down. The difficulty lies in balancing freedom from hypoglycaemia and safety vs impairment of performance by hyperglycaemia. Only patients who are competent and confident in glucose self-management and who have informed support from a diabetologist should undertake high-risk activities such as scuba diving or ice climbing. In general, if the patient can walk briskly without problems he/she is usually fit to start an exercise programme. Areas to consider are: · hypoglycaemia awareness or not (see advice about glucose) · heart · feet · eyes · autonomic neuropathy Heart · No symptoms.

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Traditional foods are preferred and dietary advice that incorporates these is welcomed menopause water retention buy generic nolvadex 20 mg line. Most of such therapies advocated for diabetes have not been assessed in formal clinical studies. One author notes >30 Indian plants that may lower glucose, and multiple commercial preparations (J Clin Biochem Nutr 2007; 40:163­73; doi: 10. Internationally, remedies include aloe vera, bilberries, bitter melon, cinnamon, chromium, coconut, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, ginseng, and honey. Bitter melon or karela is widely eaten across South Asia and it has been shown to lower glucose (Br Med J 1981; 282:1823­4). The contents of many herbal remedies are unknown-some may be toxic, as may heavy-metal remedies. A variety of approaches include the advice of a hakim or vaid, Ayurvedic medicine, Hikmat, astrotherapy, urinotherapy (drinking urine is thought to help diabetes), herbal medicine, and homeopathy. African­Caribbean patients often use complementary remedies which may include teas. Prayer can be particularly important-most patients will seek divine help for their illness. Problems may arise when the alternative practitioner advises stopping the medical treatment or the physician stops the alternative therapy; or when the alternative therapy causes adverse effects or interacts with pharmaceuticals. Ask the patient what other treatment or advice he/she is using in an open way and discuss possible safety issues. Patients who need insulin should be offered biosynthetic human insulin, as pork-derived or beef insulin may be against their religious beliefs. This can lead to repeated admissions with severe hyperglycaemia as patients may not wish to upset the doctor by telling him that they have not taken the treatment. Ask all patients specifically about any personal or religious rules about foods and about fasting. In most cases, the local religious leader will advise people with diabetes that they do not need to do fast, but patients may still want to . Ask Muslim patients if they are planning to fast and discuss potential risks with them. Advise pregnant women and patients with frequent hypoglycaemia or unawareness, hyperglycaemia or recent high-glucose emergencies, multiple complications, a very physical job, or acute illness not to fast, and caution should be advised in people on treatment that can cause hypoglycaemia. Food and fluid is permitted after sunset-the first meal is Iftar-and during the night. The last meal is Suhur (Sehur, Suhoor, or Sehri), just before sunrise, although in some communities Suhur is earlier in the night.


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It also is important to inform a doctor of any infections or planned surgery menstruation onset age buy nolvadex 10 mg line, including dental surgery, when on fluticasone. Anyone using fluticasone nasal spray who has serious or unusual symptoms should stop its use and report the symptoms to a doctor right away. Fluticasone in aerosol inhaler form may cause: · headache · sore throat · sore, white patches in the throat or mouth · runny or stuffy nose · problems speaking or swallowing · earache Serious side effects may include new or increased acne, easy bruising, and an enlarged face or neck. Anyone using fluticasone oral aerosol who has serious or unusual symptoms should stop its use and report the symptoms to a doctor right away. Side effects of fluticasone cream or ointment may include: · dry skin · skin breakdown · hives or welts · irritated, red, or burning skin · itching and rash · numb fingers Fluticasone Interactions A number of drugs and supplements have interactions with fluticasone. It is important to read package literature and discuss concerns about interactions with a doctor or pharmacist. Patients should inform their doctors or pharmacists of any other steroids they are using orally, or through their noses or on their skin. The topical form of the drug has about 50 medicines with which it has minor interactions. It is important to discuss 353 Side effects Fluticasone nasal spray can cause several side effects, including: · nosebleeds or irritation in the nose · headache · nausea and vomiting Fluticasone/salmeterol all other medications with a doctor before using fluticasone in any form. Food and other substances Grapefruit juice may affect use of fluticasone, and patients taking the drug should inform their doctor or pharmacist if they are drinking or eating grapefruit juice. These symptoms can include wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, in addition to a tight feeling in the chest that makes deep breathing difficult. Fluticasone propionate helps to ease the inflammation or swelling around the airways to make breathing easier, and salmeterol increases the effect by relaxing and opening air passages. Combined fluticasone and salmeterol (Advair) is available for these patients only and when other asthma medications do not work. Once it is, they should return to use of a low-dose or medium-dose corticosteroid inhaler or the methods they typically use to control their asthma. Combined fluticasone and salmeterol may be used as maintenance therapy in these patients, or over longer periods as a regular treatment. Bronchodilator-A drug that relaxes bronchial muscles, resulting in expansion of the bronchial air passages that lead to and from the lungs. The recommended starting dose is based on asthma severity, and the maximum dosage per day is 500 mcg of fluticasone and 50 mcg of salmeterol. Pediatric Children 4­11 years old receive only one dose of 100 mcg fluticasone/50 mcg salmeterol twice a day. Clinical studies showed that patients with asthma who used salmeterol had more severe asthma episodes that required hospital treatment or caused death. Anyone who used Advair and has breathing problems that get worse after a dose of the medication should seek emergency medical treatment.

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Patients taking atomoxetine are monitored closely for behavioral changes menstrual headaches 20 mg nolvadex order, especially when starting treatment or after dose changes. Pregnant or breastfeeding Atomoxetine is classified as category C for pregnancy, which means that either there are no adequate human or animal studies or adverse fetal effects have been found in animal studies but there is no available human data. The safety of atomoxetine use during breastfeeding is unknown, so its use is not recommended. Other conditions and allergies Atomoxetine may be contraindicated (should not be used) or may require caution in patients with uncontrolled hypertension, liver function impairment or liver disease, kidney function impairment, glaucoma, heart conditions or abnormalities, or seizure disorder. Kidney and liver function as well as blood pressure may be monitored while taking atomoxetine. Atomoxetine is discouraged from use in patients with bipolar disorder, as it is more likely to induce a state of mania in these individuals than in those without bipolar disorder. Interactions Patients should make their doctor aware of all medications and supplements they are taking before using atomoxetine. Drugs that affect the liver may alter the metabolism of atomoxetine, resulting in too much or too little of the drug in the body. Likewise, atomoxetine may affect the metabolism of other drugs, leading to greater or lower doses than therapeutically desired. Drugs Certain drugs may cause toxicity when used with atomoxetine, either through additive effects or through inhibition of metabolism, causing toxic levels of atomoxetine in the blood. The antidepressant drug maprotiline may also have additive effects with atomoxetine that cause toxicity. Herbs and supplements It is unknown which herbal supplements interact with atomoxetine. Patients should consult their healthcare provider before taking any herbs or other dietary supplements. Food and other substances Using alcohol while taking atomoxetine may create toxic reactions in the body and should be avoided. It usually takes several weeks of medication for the treatment effect to occur, while the undesirable side effects may occur at the onset of treatment. Sensitivity to atomoxetine varies among patients, and some patients may find that even lower doses are more than their body system can tolerate. Common reactions include dry mouth, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, constipation, insomnia, sleep disorders and abnormal dreams, decreased appetite, changes in urination, erectile dysfunction, changes to the menstrual cycle, drowsiness, numbness and tingling in the extremities, dizziness, fatigue, hot flashes, increased blood pressure and heart rate, sweating, and palpitations. Caudet contains atorvastatin and amlodipine, a bloodpressure-lowering drug, and Liptruzet contains atorvastatin and ezetimibe, a drug that reduces the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine.

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Advise patient not to buy expensive spectacles but to use over-the-counter ones until the vision stabilizes 3 menstrual cycles in 1 month cheap nolvadex 10 mg with mastercard. This relates to rapid reduction of hyperglycaemia and gradually resolves but may take months to improve. Overall near-normalization of blood glucose reduces the likelihood of deterioration in retinopathy, but a few patients whose glucose is very high initially do show worsening at first. In particular, `[a]n executive director, nominated by the chief executive, working with the chief/lead pharmacist and relevant medical/nursing staff should ensure that. A training programme should be put in place for all healthcare staff (including medical staff) expected to prescribe, prepare and administer insulin. A specific and separate insulin prescribing chart should be used in hospitals and residential accommodation which include the finger-prick blood glucose levels. Tresiba is provided as either 100 units/ml or 200 units/ml in prefilled pens internally calibrated to show and deliver the dose as dialed in units. It is not available in any other way so no dose conversion is required if patients are transferred to the 200 unit/ml formulation. Rapid-acting insulin analogues the insulin made by the normal human pancreas is a clear, colourless fluid which, when released into the bloodstream via the portal vein, produces an effect upon the blood glucose within minutes and then clears within minutes Rapid-acting analogues are modified so that active insulin is available almost immediately. They are absorbed and start working within 5­20 mins of injection, peak at 30­90 mins and last 1-­5 hrs. Rapid-acting insulins must be injected either immediately before eating (preferable), or during/immediately after food. Apidra, Humalog, and NovoRapid can be used in basal­bolus insulin patterns, or mixed with intermediate-acting insulins in twice-daily regimens. Because insulin levels peak with the glucose absorption from food, they produce an insulin effect similar to that of the normal pancreas and hypoglycaemia may be reduced. Rapid-acting insulins are increasingly popular with patients as they allow more flexibility of lifestyle and enable more scope for fine-tuning glucose than older insulins. The main difference between insulin in the non-diabetic person and insulin in the diabetic person is its route of delivery into the bloodstream and the lack of fine control. The effect of human insulin released by the pancreas in direct response to circulating blood glucose concentrations cannot be the same as the effect of subcutaneous insulin absorbed regardless of the blood glucose concentration. Even continuous intravenous insulin infusion cannot mimic the finely tuned glycaemia-appropriate response of the normal pancreas. Short-acting insulins are absorbed in < 30 mins to 1 hr and may last as long as 12 hrs.

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Although some epinephrine products contain sulfites as preservatives menopause lower back pain generic nolvadex 20 mg buy on line, the injection should still be administered as treatment for severe allergic reactions, even if the patient is sensitive to sulfites. For example, epinephrine increases blood pressure by constricting blood vessels, and its side effects include high blood pressure (hypertension), blood vessel constriction (vasoconstriction), headache, and pale skin (pallor). Epinephrine speeds up the heart, and so tachycardia, or rapid heart rate, is also to be expected. Some of these effects may be extremely serious, leading to heart attack or stroke due to increased blood pressure, but because epinephrine is often used in instances where other treatments have failed, the drug is considered appropriate. Repeated injections at the same site may cause severe tissue damage and tissue death (necrosis) as a result of repeated vasoconstriction at the same location. Short-lived effects may include nausea and vomiting as well as nervousness, anxiety, and fear. Pregnant or breastfeeding Epinephrine is classified as a pregnancy category C drug. There have been no studies of epinephrine safety during pregnancy, but the actions of epinephrine indicate that it might reduce blood supply to the uterus. Studies in Epoetin alfa Interactions Individuals should make sure that their healthcare providers are aware of all other drugs they are currently taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Drugs Because epinephrine has such generalized effects, it interacts with any drugs that may have either similar effects or opposite effects. The severity and significance of these interactions will vary with the use and route of administration. Intranasal epinephrine, administered as nose drops or nasal spray, has a very localized effect and poses little risk of interactions. Epinephrine may interact with antihistamine drugs, including those available over the counter or included in fixed-combination cold remedies, such as chlorphenhydramine and diphenhydramine (Benadryl). The same increase in blood pressure may occur when epinephrine is used in combination with thyroid hormones and some types of antidepressant drugs. International brand names Janssen markets epoetin alfa internationally under the brand name Eprex. Recommended dosage For patients with chronic kidney disease who are not on dialysis, initial treatment should be 50­100 units per kilogram (kg, or 2. Patients who are receiving dialysis should receive the drug only by intravenous injection. Treatment with epoetin should be interrupted or the dose reduced when the hemoglobin level reaches 11 grams per deciliter (g/dL). If dose levels must be increased, the dose should not be adjusted more often than once every four weeks. For patients with zidovudine-related anemia, the initial dose should be 100 units/kg three times a week given either subcutaneously or intravenously.

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Kerolus M et al: Atlantoaxial Instability of Inflammatory Origin in Adults: Case Reports menopause foods to eat nolvadex 10 mg purchase online, Literature Review and Rationale for Early Surgical Intervention. This edema pattern is nonspecific, and cord metastases and radiation change should also be considered. This symmetrical tract involvement would not be seen with metastases or radiation change. There can also be combinations of these pathways involved with the most typical being hematogenous metastatic dissemination to vertebral bodies with subsequent direct extension into the epidural space. Primary tumors located in soft tissues may extend into the vertebral column by direct extension. An example would include lung carcinoma extending into the chest wall and subsequently the paravertebral region and into the spinal column and epidural space. Prostate, bladder, or bowel carcinoma may extend into the presacral space and subsequently into the vertebral column and epidural space. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma extends into the clivus and skull base and may track along the cranial nerves. Findings of direct extension of neoplasm in the spine consists of a soft tissue mass with adjacent bone destruction and variable neural compromise. Direct extension of neoplasm into the epidural space is more likely from vertebral body through the posterior longitudinal ligament. The anterior longitudinal ligament and disc are relatively resistant to tumor invasion. The anterior longitudinal ligament is stronger than the posterior longitudinal ligament and has fewer perforating vessels. Once the tumor has access into the epidural space, it comes against the tough dura, which is an effective barrier to tumor penetration. These barriers result in the distinguishing features between a disc space infection with adjacent vertebral osteomyelitis (with the epicenter at the level of the disc space) and neoplastic involvement (with the epicenter involving the vertebral bodies with sparing of the disc space). Direct extension of tumor may also be seen with a primary cord tumor within the cervical spine, with extension into the infratentorial space. Rarely, brainstem or cerebellar neoplasms may extend into the upper cervical cord. Lymphatic spread is of limited importance in spine imaging relative to the more ubiquitous hematogenous spread. Local spread of pelvic tumors within the lumbar spine without pulmonary metastases would suggest venous or lymphatic route of extension. Hematogenous spread is the major pathway of extension of malignant tumors to the axial skeleton. Batson plexus is a longitudinal network of valveless veins running parallel to the spinal column.

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You must also tell us if you or your medical team feel you are at high risk of developing severe hypoglycaemia breast cancer xeloda generic nolvadex 10 mg amex. For Group 2 drivers (bus/lorry), one episode of severe hypoglycaemia must be reported immediately. In addition, the visual acuity (with the aid of glasses or contact lenses if worn) must be at least 6/12 (0. In the interests of road safety, you must be sure that you can safely control a vehicle at all times. Treatment for this usually allows resumption of driving under cardiological guidance. Various periods without driving are advised after cardiac events or interventions. People with diabetes on insulin can hold these categories if they apply for them as a Group 2 licence and meet the standards. To reduce problems they should: · ensure that their diabetes control is as good as possible. Patients with erratic glucose balance may decompensate abroad and require admission or repatriation. One study (J Travel Med 1999; 6(1):12­15) found that two-thirds of patients on insulin had glucose instability on tropical holidays but only one-third of type 1 patients increased monitoring frequency. Pump patients should also carry syringes and needles or insulin pens with appropriate insulin and needles. If I am found ill please give me 2 teaspoons of sugar in a small amount of water or 3 of the glucose tablets which I am carrying. It may temporarily upset glucose control, but not as much as the relevant infection would! They may end up in the wrong place or be arrested while hypoglycaemic and confused. Insulin-treated patients should test their blood glucose every 4­6 hrs while travelling (every 2 hrs if driving themselves). Consider the day of travel as being from breakfast at home until breakfast in the destination. During the day they should reduce the insulins which are acting when travelling but be prepared to take a small extra dose. All diabetes medication and monitoring equipment should be carried personally in cabin hand-baggage that is always kept in sight. Many airports have sharps boxes in toilets; ask cabin crew for a sharps box on the aircraft. These are permitted in larger quantities above the 100ml limit for liquids, but will be subject to authentication. Passengers must have obtained the prior agreement of the airline with which they are travelling and with their departure airport.

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Because cortisol regulates many essential functions pregnancy 40 weeks discount nolvadex 10 mg on line, reduction of its production is very serious. At the same time, long-term high levels of cortisol-like drugs can lead to Cushing syndrome, characterized by the development of a fatty hump between the shoulders, facial swelling, stretch marks (striae), high blood pressure, and bone loss. Cushing syndrome occurs either when the body is producing too much cortisol or when the hormone is used for medicinal purposes. This is why there is a time limit on how long clotrimazole/betamethasone may be used. Clotrimazole/betamethasone should not be used to treat diaper dermatitis (diaper rash) in any age group (including patients who require adult incontinence products). Pediatric Children are more likely to absorb betamethasone in higher concentrations than adults, which subjects them to a greater risk of adverse effects. Clotrimazole/ betamethasone is not recommended for patients under 17 years of age. Geriatric Because of the risk of adverse effects, including skin atrophy and skin ulceration, clotrimazole/betamethasone should be used with extreme care in elderly patients with thinning skin. Although there have been no reports of fetal abnormalities related to clotrimazole/ betamethasone cream, some corticosteroids have been absorbed through the skin and are known to cause fetal abnormalities in test animals. Corticosteroids can be excreted in human milk and can interfere with infant development. While there is no clear evidence that steroid drugs can be absorbed through the skin at adequate levels to interfere with infant growth and development, extreme caution should be used if clotrimazole/betamethasone is prescribed for a nursing mother. There is no evidence of fetal toxicity from clotrimazole, which is available by itself for treatment of skin fungus. Other conditions and allergies Clotrimazole/betamethasone should not be used by patients who are allergic to any of its components. Excessive use of high-potency topical steroids may also cause skin atrophy and localized hair growth. Other side effects may be relatively minor, such as development of a mild rash, dry skin, and local irritation where the cream or lotion is applied. Interactions Although a very large number of drugs may interact with clotrimazole and/or betamethasone, there are no significant interactions when the drugs are used only for short-term application to the skin under proper conditions. Individuals should consult with their healthcare provider before applying any other topical skin products while using clotrimazole/betamethasone. There is no known effective treatment for this syndrome, although gradual (but rarely complete) improvement may occur over a long period. The superiority of clozapine in patients resistant to treatment is considered an important advance, but the drug is not without problems. It causes agranulocytosis, a life-threatening depletion of white blood cells, in 1%­2% of patients. It also causes epileptic seizures and adverse effects on the heart and blood pressure more frequently than other antipsychotic medicines.

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It is marketed as oral tablets containing 4 milligrams (mg) cyproheptadine each and as a liquid containing 2 mg per 5 milliliters (mL) pregnancy estimator discount 20 mg nolvadex with mastercard. Histamine H1 causes allergic reactions while histamine H2 causes secretion of stomach acid, but the term normally applies only to H1 inhibitors, which cause sneezing and rash. Newer drugs do not get into the central nervous system and are called "nonsedating. Among other effects, it leads to frequent lung infections and difficulty breathing. Parasympathetic-Referring to the portion of the nervous system that is concerned with normal maintenance functions, including digestion and normal heart rate. Serotonergic-Containing, activating, or otherwise involving serotonin, a chemical that occurs throughout the body with numerous effects, including neurotransmission in the brain. Urticaria-Hives; raised, itchy areas of skin that usually indicate an allergic reaction. Cyproheptadine should not be used in patients with enlarged prostate glands, constriction of either the intestines or bladder neck, or angle-closure glaucoma. Cyproheptadine Side effects Because of the anticholinergic effects of cyproheptadine, the drug is associated with a large number of side effects-more than are typically expected with antihistamines. Some central nervous system side effects are common among first-generation antihistamines, including sedation and sleepiness, dizziness, loss of coordination, confusion, restlessness, excitation, nervousness, tremor, and irritability. Dryness of the nose and throat with thickening of bronchial secretions are also common. Increased appetite and weight gain are common, but some patients have had loss of appetite. If a patient has not responded to other antihistamines and cyproheptadine is the only possibility, the patient should be started at the lowest dose possible. Pregnant or breastfeeding Cyproheptadine is in pregnancy category B, which means that although there are no comparable human studies, animal reproduction studies have found no adverse effects on a fetus. There is no current information regarding whether cyproheptadine is excreted in human milk, but the toxicity to newborn infants is too great to justify any risk. Other conditions and allergies Because cyproheptadine has atropine-like effects, it should be used with caution in patients with a history of Interactions Individuals should ensure that their healthcare provider and pharmacist are aware of all drugs they are currently taking, including over-the-counter medications and supplements. Drugs Cyproheptadine interacts with other drugs or substances that cause sedation. Any drug or diet supplement that shares these activities will have an additive effect when given at the same time as cyproheptadine. The severity of this interaction depends on the dose of each drug as well as the individual response.

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Silas, 37 years: Agree the communication system preferred by the patient-telephone, text, e-mail, letter. Haloperidol treated manic episodes more successfully than ten other drugs, but it was not effective in managing depression, a key component of bipolar disorder. A metabolite may be a medically active or inactive compound, depending on the drug in question.

Hector, 34 years: Once-daily long-acting insulin may be continued, although the dose should be reduced depending on the usual level of glucose control. If in doubt, or the patient is cold or vasoconstricted, take blood for laboratory venous glucose. Category C: No adequate human or animal studies exist, or adverse fetal effects have been seen in animal studies, but there is no available human data.

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  • Chauffert B, Mornex F, Bonnetain F, et al. Phase III trial comparing intensive induction chemoradiotherapy (60 Gy, infusional 5-FU and intermittent cisplatin) followed by maintenance gemcitabine with gemcitabine alone for locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer. Definitive results of the 2000-01 FFCD/SFRO study. Ann Oncol 2008;19(9):1592-1599.
  • Perez D, Wildi S, Demartines N, et al. Prospective evaluation of vacuum-assisted closure in abdominal compartment syndrome and severe abdominal sepsis. J Am Coll Surg. 2007;205:586-592.
  • Iglarz M, et al. Pharmacology of macitentan, an orally active tissue-targeting dual endothelin receptor antagonist. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2008;327:736-745.
  • Mahon TG, Libshitz HI: Mediastinal metastases of infradiaphragmatic malignancies. Eur J Radiol 1992; 15:130-134.
  • Monk BJ, Huang HQ, Burger RA, et al. Patient reported outcomes of a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of bevacizumab in the front-line treatment of ovarian cancer: a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Gynecol Oncol 2013;128(3):573-578.
  • Basu R, Forshall I, Rickham PP. Duplications of the alimentary tract. Br J Surg 1966;47:477.