Anna Locasciulli, M.D.

  • Associated Professor
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  • University of Medicine
  • Director
  • Pediatric Hematology
  • San Camillo Hospital
  • Rome, Italy

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A diagnostic algorithm has been suggested that starts with plethysmography (pulse volume recording) with exercise herbs urinary tract infection buy geriforte 100 mg mastercard. However, the prevalence of the mutation in patients with unexplained nonarterioslcerotic arterial thrombosis is very low, that is, less than 1%. Lipoprotein (a) Elevation Lipoprotein (a) is involved in cholesterol metabolism and competes with plasminogen for binding to fibrin because of its structural similarity with plasminogen. Lipoprotein (a) also binds to macrophages and promotes foam cell formation and the deposition of cholesterol in atherosclerotic plaques. Elevations in lipoprotein (a) are associated with coronary heart disease and stroke in adults as well as with ischemic stroke in children. The Adson sign is loss of the radial pulse while the patient turns the head to the ipsilateral side, slightly elevates the chin, and breathes in. The test is performed with the patient in a sitting position, hands resting on thighs, and with the examiner palpating both radial pulses as the patient rapidly inspires deeply and holds the breath, hyperextends the neck, and turns the head toward the affected side. If the radial pulse on that side is clearly obliterated, the result is considered positive. If, however, the plethysmographic study results are normal, duplex ultrasonography or ankle/brachial index stress testing with exercise should be performed. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Key Details Thoracic outlet syndrome describes a spectrum of upper extremity symptoms caused by compression of neural structures (brachial plexus) and vascular structures (subclavian vein and artery) as they pass through the thoracic outlet. It is typically caused by compression of the subclavian artery by a bony abnormality, such as a cervical or rudimentary rib, a large C7 transverse process, or a bony callus after a clavicle or rib fracture. Acute critical ischemia of the hand or fingers caused by distal thromboembolism can occur. Symptoms may overlap with those associated with neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome. Typically, patients need to undergo surgical intervention with decompression, such as removal of bony abnormalities and, if necessary, arterial reconstruction. When to Consider It Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome should be suspected in a young patient with pain in the arm or hand, particularly if it has a claudicatory character; that is, it worsens with exercise or upon arm abduction or rotation. Symptoms and findings may also include pallor of the arm or hand, paresthesias, and diminished distal pulses. The syndrome should also be suspected in any patient with unexplained acute arterial thromboembolic ischemic arm or hand symptoms. How to Diagnose It Arterial duplex ultrasonography with the arm in adduction and abduction may demonstrate compromise of arterial flow.

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Surgical intervention may be necessary to excise necrotic tissue in late stages of ulcer development zen herbals geriforte 100 mg order with amex. Skin grafts or musculocutaneous flaps may be indicated in very deep wounds in which healing is difficult or has been unsuccessful in completely covering the area. The drains facilitate the removal of blood and bacteria from the wound that can increase the risk of infection. Cleaning solutions include normal saline solution (when there is no infection present); diluted povidone-iodine for bacteria, spores, fungi, and viruses; acetic acid (0. In general, the following guidelines are helpful in pressure injury management, although management may depend on the particular pressure injury and patient: Stage I pressure injury requires no type of dressings; approximately 70% to 90% of pressure injuries heal with reduction of pressure. All wounds are assessed before treatment because all wounds are different, and similar treatments may not be successful for dissimilar wounds. Identify patients who are at risk by using assessment tools such as the Braden scale or the Norton scale, which determine the sensory and physiological factors that increase the incidence of pressure injuries. The high-risk patient needs turning and proper positioning at least every 2 hours. Pressure-relieving devices, such as silicone-filled pads and foam mattresses, may be helpful. Dynamic devices include specialty beds (low air loss, air fluidized, and air cushions). Patients who are incontinent of feces and urine should be cleaned as soon as possible to prevent skin irritation. When soiling of the skin cannot be controlled, use absorbent underpads and topical agents that act as moisture barriers. Avoid the use of hot water and use a mild cleansing agent to minimize dryness and irritation in high-risk patients. Treat dry skin with moisturizers, but use care in massaging bony prominences as this may impede capillary blood flow and increase the risk of deep tissue injury. When skin breakdown occurs, apply appropriate dressings using clean technique or, in cases in which infection is present, sterile technique. Note that the caregiver may have feelings of guilt because of the failure to prevent complications of immobility; the caregiver may need support rather than teaching, depending on the situation. Eight medical centers enrolled 625 patients, and a total of 86 hospital-acquired pressure injuries were observed in 49 patients. Teach the patient or caregiver about frequent turning and positioning, how to keep the skin clean and dry, signs and symptoms of early breakdown and complications of existing pressure injuries, strategies to manage redness or skin breakdown, and appropriate wound care and dressing techniques. Use a return demonstration before discharge to assess the understanding and ability to perform wound care.

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Moreover vaadi herbals pvt ltd safe 100 mg geriforte, based on the newer molecular data, the Class 1A genomic signature that is more common in smaller lesions will progress molecularly to Class 2 eventually in some cases. Therefore, clinicians are advised to treat patients as early as possible in order to minimize metastatic death. Weighing all of the clinical risk factors associated with a particular lesion takes clinical experience and judgment. When in doubt, an ophthalmologist who has limited experience with tumors should always refer a patient to an ocular oncologist for an evaluation. The 2 management options for this patient are close serial observation and plaque brachytherapy. When occurring as multiple lesions and configured in an oval shape, these lesions raise the suspicion for the diagnosis of Gardner syndrome, and such patients should be advised to undergo genetic testing and/or a colonoscopy to rule out cancerous polyps. They most commonly demonstrate high internal reflectivity and avascularity on ultrasound. This is a melanocytoma of the optic disc with typical jet-black pigment in a darkly pigmented individual. There have been several rare reports of these lesions transforming into choroidal melanoma and as such, these lesions should be followed serially. Peripheral Exudative Hemorrhagic Chorioretinopathy An extramacular disciform lesion, also referred to as peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy, can produce diagnostic confusion when associated with subretinal fluid, exudates, and/ or vitreous hemorrhage. These can typically be distinguished from choroidal melanoma by their anterior location and presence of subretinal blood in various stages of resolution. While uveal melanomas can uncommonly be associated with subretinal hemorrhage, the degree of hemorrhage is not generally as profound as is its association with an extramacular disciform lesion. One helpful diagnostic clue is the presence of macular and/or peripheral drusen in association with the disciform lesion. An accurate, clinically feasible multi-gene expression assay for predicting metastasis in uveal melanoma. Gene expression profiling in uveal melanoma reveals two molecular classes and predicts metastatic death. Prognostic Implications of Tumor Diameter in Association With Gene Expression Profile for Uveal Melanoma. Association between choroidal nevus risk factors and gene expression profile prognostic class. Solitary congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium: clinical features and frequency of enlargement in 330 patients. On history, it is important to pay attention to specific ocular symptoms (eg, photopsias) or predisposing ocular conditions (eg, macular degeneration, myopia, retinal vein occlusion, macroaneurysm). The circumstances of vision loss may give additional clues (eg, trauma, valsalva).

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The fluid-filled alveoli cause a physiological shunt kan herbals order geriforte 100 mg line, meaning that venous blood passes unventilated portions of lung tissue and returns to the left atrium unoxygenated. As the arterial oxygen tension falls, the patient begins to exhibit the signs and symptoms of hypoxemia. In addition to hypoxemia, pneumonia can lead to complications such as Pneumonia 917 respiratory failure, lung abscess, and septic shock. Infection may spread via the bloodstream and cause endocarditis, pericarditis, meningitis, or bacteremia. Viral pneumonia occurs when a virus attacks bronchiolar epithelial cells and causes interstitial inflammation and desquamation, which eventually spread to the alveoli. Secondary pneumonia ensues from lung damage that was caused by the spread of bacteria from an infection elsewhere in the body or by a noxious chemical. Factors associated with aspiration pneumonia include old age, impaired gag reflex, surgical procedures, debilitating disease, and decreased level of consciousness. Organisms that cause typical pneumonia include Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) and the Haemophilus and Staphylococcus species. Organisms that cause atypical pneumonia include the Legionella, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydia species. Risk factors for the development of pneumonia include cigarette smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, immunosuppression, protein pump inhibitors, alcohol abuse, major surgery, drug dependence or abuse, altered mental status, seizure disorder, and recent pulmonary infections with the flu or cold. Neonates with multisystem disease are also at risk for viral pneumonia caused by cytomegalovirus. More than 60% of hospitalizations and 85% of deaths from viral pneumonia occur in older adults. People over age 40 are at greater risk to contract all forms of bacterial pneumonia, with older men more susceptible to streptococcal bacterial pneumonia and Klebsiella bacterial pneumonia. While patterns exist with some populations, there are no definitive racial or ethnic considerations of clinical significance. Serious pneumonia in children and overall deaths from pneumonia for all ages occur more often in developing than in developed nations. The patient may have a history of a recent upper respiratory infection, influenza, or a viral syndrome. The patient may report a productive cough, fever, chest pain, or difficulty breathing. Establish any history of exposure to noxious gases, aspiration, or immunosuppressive therapy. Ask the patient to describe the type of cough and the nature of the sputum production.

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Surgery can cure medullary thyroid cancer; depending on stage herbals india chennai geriforte 100 mg sale, the 5-year survival rate ranges from near 100% to 28%. It occurs when thyroid cancer cells mutate, leading thyroid cells to proliferate rapidly and abnormally. People who have been exposed to radiation therapy to the neck are also particularly susceptible to thyroid cancer, including those exposed to low-dose radiation as children and others exposed to high-dose radiation for malignancies. About 25% of individuals who had radiation in the 1950s to shrink an enlarged thymus gland, tonsils, or adenoids develop thyroid nodules; approximately 25% of those with nodules actually develop thyroid cancer (6% of those exposed to neck radiation in the first place). Risk factors include exposure to high levels of radiation, family history of thyroid disease, female sex, and Asian ethnicity. Solitary thyroid nodules are more likely to be malignant in people older than 60 and younger than 30 years of age. Ethnicity and race have no known effects on the risk for thyroid cancer, except for people with Asian ancestry, who are more at risk for the disease. The incidence of thyroid cancer is approximately 3 per 100,000 females, as compared to 1 per 100,000 males. People in developed nations have two to three times the incidence of thyroid cancer as compared to people in developing nations. Note that malignant thyroid nodules are usually painless, and rapid growth of a nodule is of great concern. Less commonly, patients may also have complaints of neck discomfort, hoarseness, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), feeling as if they are "breathing through a straw," and rapid nodule growth. Elicit a family history, particularly of chronic goiter, because some forms of thyroid cancer are inherited. Ask if patients have had exposure to low- or high-dose radiation either because of diagnostic testing, treatment for other cancers, in an occupational setting, or through an environmental Thyroid Cancer 1099 disaster. If the thyroid has been completely destroyed by cancer cells, the patient may report a history of sensitivity to cold, weight gain, and apathy from hypothyroidism. If the thyroid has become overstimulated, the patient may describe signs of hyperthyroidism: sensitivity to heat, nervousness, weight loss, and hyperactivity. Changes in thyroid function may also lead to gastrointestinal changes such as diarrhea and anorexia. The most common symptoms are a palpable thyroid nodule, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and neck discomfort. Patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer may have a rapidly growing tumor that distorts the neck and surrounding structures. Palpate the thyroid gland for size, shape, configuration, consistency, tenderness, and presence of any nodules. Describe the number of nodules present and whether the nodule is smooth or irregular, soft or hard, or fixed to underlying tissue. Note the presence of enlarged cervical lymph nodes, which occurs in 25% of patients with the disease. Surgical interventions range from a thyroid lobectomy for cancers smaller than 1 cm that show no signs of metastasis to a total thyroidectomy and, possibly, a modified neck dissection if lymph nodes need to be removed.

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Plasma proteins herbalsagecom cheap 100 mg geriforte amex, particularly albumin, are required to maintain oncotic pressure; therefore a colloid replacement fluid is usually chosen to avoid intravascular fluid shifts that could lower the blood pressure and cause peripheral edema. However, fibrinogen recovery is slower and may therefore become more severely affected. When the patient is at risk of bleeding or thrombosis, laboratory testing can be helpful. To preserve a safe fibrinogen level when the preprocedure fibrinogen is at or less than 150 mg/dL and the patient is at risk of hemostatic challenge, 25% of replacement fluid should consist of plasma or, alternatively, the interval between procedures can be prolonged to allow time for endogenous recovery. Adopted from evidence-based guidelines for apheresis treatment by American Society for Apheresis. Several different plasma products are used, based on the blood supplier and physician preference. Return lines can be 16-gauge or 20-gauge needle, peripheral catheter, or central access device. A nontunneled, temporary double-lumen temporary catheter is adequate in the acute setting (when a limited number of procedures is anticipated) and usually placed in the subclavian vein. Venous Access Central venous access is usually required for therapeutic apheresis procedures either because the patient is medically unstable, peripheral veins are inadequate, and/or multiple treatments are anticipated. However, there must be confidence that the veins will tolerate the high flow and pressure requirements and there is low likelihood that emergent central catheter placement will be required if access fails. The draw catheter for a continuous flow procedure in an adult requires a 16-gauge or 18-gauge coated steel apheresis or dialysis-type needle or an 18-gauge butterfly for a pediatric patient. Plastic peripheral lines or peripherally Extracorporeal Anticoagulation Ex vivo anticoagulation is required during apheresis procedures to prevent blood from clotting in the extracorporeal circuit. Symptomatic hypocalcemia, induced by the citrate in the return fluid, accounts for most procedure-related toxicities. Citrate may also lower magnesium and potassium levels, but this effect is relatively minor. Patients with severe liver failure have impaired metabolism of citrate and thus greater risk of hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hypokalemia. The amount of extracorporeal blood needed for a procedure is determined by the volume of red cells required to fill the separation chamber and to establish the cell/plasma interface. Thus patients with lower hematocrit will lose more intravascular volume to deliver the required red cell volume to the separation chamber. Hypocalcemia is a greater risk during apheresis procedures that use plasma for the return fluid because of the additional citrate load from the plasma product. Oral calcium supplementation is not a reliable replacement method for patients at greater risk of citrate toxicity.


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Lower-dose alteplase regimens have been proposed as a safer alternative for patients at higher risk of bleeding complications (age >75 years) herbs chicken soup discount geriforte 100 mg otc, although it should be recognized that the studies investigating low-dose alteplase have enrolled limited numbers of patients so additional investigation is warranted before this approach is considered standard. In an arrest or periarrest situation, the use of thrombolytics is often considered in an attempt to improve hemodynamics and reverse/prevent hemodynamic collapse. Thrombolytic therapy is contraindicated in patients at high risk for bleeding (Table 16. Intracranial hemorrhage is the most devastating (and often fatal) complication of thrombolytic therapy and occurs in 1% to 3% of patients. These data indicate that emergent surgical pulmonary embolectomy is a feasible option in carefully selected patients in institutions with experienced providers. Unfortunately, there has been limited clinical evaluation of these devices and some have been associated with higher morbidity and mortality. Therefore additional investigation is necessary before these techniques are considered a viable option. If a retrievable filter is placed, it is incumbent on the responsible physician(s) to ensure that the filter is removed as soon as it is no longer needed, because many filters are left in place unnecessarily and put patients at risk for filter-related complications. It is particularly important to retrieve filters with a short retrieval window, such as the Optease filter (within 3 weeks). There is limited literature on the risks and benefits of superior vena cava filters. Because warfarin pharmacokinetics are influenced by many dietary and drug interactions, as well as comorbid diseases and genetic polymorphisms, it is not an ideal anticoagulant for use in the intensive care unit. Because protein C has a very short half-life, warfarin can tip the hemostatic balance paradoxically toward a prothrombotic phenotype early after its initiation. Rivaroxaban is cleared renally (66% total, 33% unchanged) and via hepatic metabolism via the cytochrome P450 enzymes 3A4 for an average elimination half-life of 5 to 7 hours in patients younger than 40 years and 11 to 13 hours in patients older than 65 years. Similar to dabigatran, edoxaban was preceded by a 5- to 10-day course of parenteral therapy in the Hokusai study. Similar to dabigatran, the oral factor Xa inhibitors may not be ideal medications for critically ill patients because they have relatively long half-lives and are not easily reversed. Dabigatran is administered as an oral prodrug dabigatran etexilate that is hydrolyzed in the plasma to the active drug dabigatran. It is eliminated primarily by the kidneys (80%) and has a plasma half-life of 15 to 27 hours that varies with creatinine clearance. In addition, venous stasis occurs due to increased venous distensibility and capacity, as well as compression of large veins by the gravid uterus. The immediate postpartum period is associated with the highest risk, which declines to baseline by 6 to 12 weeks post partum.

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Be sure the social worker or rehabilitation Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 1051 personnel have provided the family with a list of resources for in-home care herbs cooking purchase 100 mg geriforte mastercard. Determine whether a home-care agency will be providing in-home supervision and ongoing physical therapy support. The expanding hematoma acts as a space-occupying lesion as it compresses or displaces brain tissue. The bleeding ceases with the formation of a fibrin-platelet plug at the point of the rupture and by tissue compression. As the clot, which forms initially to seal the rupture site, undergoes normal lysis or dissolution, the risk of rebleeding increases. More than 30,000 people in the United States have a ruptured intracranial aneurysm each year, although the annual incidence is probably underestimated because death is attributed to other reasons. The pathophysiology of vasospasms is not clearly understood, but it is believed that they are precipitated by certain vasoactive substances. By decreasing cerebral blood flow, a vasospasm produces complications such as neurological deterioration, cerebral ischemia, and cerebral infarction. Long-term complications include speech and language deficits, weakness or paralysis of the extremities, visual derangements, seizures, headaches, problems with attention or concentration, memory loss, and personality changes. Some types of aneurysms form because the adventitia is very thin in intracranial arteries, which makes them prone to aneurysm formation. Because aneurysm-forming vessels usually lie in the space between the arachnoid and the brain, hemorrhage from an aneurysm usually occurs in the subarachnoid space. There are six known risk-associated loci, although no genes have been definitively identified. The Middle East, China, and India have low reported rates, which may partly be due to the low rates of cardiovascular disease for people living in these regions. Many also report a severe headache associated with exertion but no loss of consciousness. Ask the patient if any visual changes occurred such as photophobia, double vision, or vision loss. The most common symptoms are neck pain, neck stiffness, loss of consciousness, severe headache, and limited neck flexion. Meningeal irritation may lead to nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, pain in the neck Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 1053 and back, and possible blurred vision or photophobia. Examine for symptoms of stroke syndrome, such as hemiparesis, hemiplegia, aphasia, and cognitive deficits. Assess the vital signs for bradycardia, hypertension, and a widened pulse pressure. Other symptoms may result from pituitary dysfunction, caused by irritation or edema, leading to diabetes insipidus (excessive urinary output, hypernatremia) or hyponatremia. Several days after the event, the patient may become febrile because the meninges are irritated from the hemorrhaged blood.

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It has been suggested that infants be followed weekly until a postmenstrual age of 72 weeks herbals choice geriforte 100 mg purchase without a prescription. With laser treatment, the course of disease is very predictable, and we have a defined endpoint of when to stop screening, and late recurrences are not an issue. We have recently shown that these retinal detachments can have unique configurations that can be relatively difficult to operate on. However, we have shown that the macula does develop to a surprising degree after laser treatment, so you should not be faulted if the presumed area of the fovea needs to be lasered. This includes an intensely dilated tunica vasculosa lentis and neovascularization, and vitreous hemorrhage. However, if there is any suspicion for tractional membranes or retinal detachment, or if the vitreous hemorrhage is too dense for an accurate examination, we would proceed with pars plicata vitrectomy. The sickest infants may not be able to tolerate general anesthesia and/or may become hemodynamically unstable with laser application. In these instances, which are not rare in this patient population, the quick intravitreal injection may be the best option. In particular, the risk of worsening their bronchopulmonary dysplasia should be discussed with the neonatologist and parents prior to any treatment. If the family cannot commit to close observation for any reason, laser photocoagulation is preferred. Having the peripheral retina lasered makes vitrectomy easier should it become necessary and treats avascular retina which presents a risk for future retinal tears and detachment. Again, these are our personal preferences, and there is no one correct answer at the current time. Antiangiogenic therapy with intravitreal bevacizumab for retinopathy of prematurity. Intravitreal bevacizumab versus laser treatment in type 1 retinopathy of prematurity: report on fluorescein angiographic findings. Refractive outcomes following bevacizumab monotherapy compared with conventional laser treatment: a randomized clinical trial. Neurodevelopmental outcomes following bevacizumab injections for retinopathy of prematurity. Progressive retinal detachment in infants with retinopathy of prematurity treated with intravitreal bevacizumab or ranibizumab. Jackson Abou Chehade has no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented herein. Adelman has no financial or proprietary interest in the materials presented herein.

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Screening for von Willebrand disease with a new analyzer using high shear stress: a study of 60 cases herbals side effects buy cheap geriforte 100 mg. Characterizing polymorphisms and allelic diversity of von Willebrand factor gene in the 1000 Genomes. European Group on von Willebrand Disease: principles of care for the diagnosis and treatment of von Willebrand disease. Quantitative impact of using different criteria for the laboratory diagnosis of type 1 von Willebrand disease. Accelerated clearance alone explains ultra-large multimers in von Willebrand disease Vicenza. Von Willebrand Disease type 2M "Vicenza" in Italian and German patients: identification of the first candidate mutation (G3864A; R1205H) in 8 families. Clinical and molecular predictors of thrombocytopenia and risk of bleeding in patients with von Willebrand disease type 2B: a cohort study of 67 patients. Platelet-type Von Willebrand disease: three decades in the life of a rare bleeding disorder. Challenges in defining type 2M von Willebrand disease: results from a Canadian cohort study. Molecular defects in type 3 von Willebrand disease: updated results from 40 multiethnic patients. Congenital von Willebrand disease type 3: clinical manifestations, pathophysiology and molecular biology. Diagnostic workup of patients with acquired von Willebrand syndrome: a retrospective single-centre cohort study. Heterogeneity of type I von Willebrand disease: evidence for a subgroup with an abnormal von Willebrand factor. Biologic response to desmopressin in patients with severe type 1 and type 2 von Willebrand disease: results of a multicenter European study. Multisite management study of heavy menstrual bleeding with abnormal laboratory haemostasis: a prospective crossover study of intranasal desmopressin and oral tranexamic acid. Self-treatment with desmopressin intranasal spray in patients with bleeding disorders: effect on bleeding symptoms and socioeconomic factors. Hysterectomy compared with endometrial ablation for dysfunctional uterine bleeding: a randomized controlled trial. Global endometrial ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding in women with bleeding disorders. Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and endometrial ablation in heavy menstrual bleeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis. A systematic review: the use of desmopressin for treatment and prophylaxis of bleeding disorders in pregnancy. These observations were carried one step further in 1910 by William Duke, who described three patients at the Massachusetts General Hospital who were bleeding and had low platelet counts, as determined by early cell counting procedures. Although platelet transfusions had unknowingly been previously given in the form of whole blood transfusions, this was the first time it was shown that transfused platelets could ameliorate bleeding.

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Total customer reviews: 22


  • Halliday HL, Sweet DG. Endotracheal intubation at birth in vigorous term meconium-stained babies. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002; (4): CD000500.
  • Virchow R. Uber den cretinismus, nametlich in Franken, under uber pathologische: Schadelformen Verk Phys Med Gessellsch Wurszburg 1851;2:230-271.
  • Morgillo F, Della Corte CM, Fasano M, et al. Mechanisms of resistance to EGFR-targeted drugs: lung cancer. ESMO Open 2016;1(3):e000060.
  • Eusebi V, Damiani S, Losi L, Millis RR. Apocrine differentiation in breast epithelium. Adv Anat Pathol. 1997;4:139.
  • El-Zammar O, Rosenbaum P, Katzenstein A-LA. Proliferative activity in fibrosing lung diseases: a comparative study of Ki-67 immunoreactivity in diffuse alveolar damage, bronchiolitis, obliteransorganizing pneumonia, and usual interstitial pneumonia. Hum Pathol 2009;40:1182-58.