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The uterine artery also gives off a descending branch to the cervix and branches to the upper vagina ldl cholesterol definition wikipedia 20 mg vytorin order with mastercard. The veins accompany the arteries and drain into the internal iliac veins, but they also communicate via the pelvic plexus with the veins of the vagina and bladder. Anteriorly, the peritoneum is only loosely adherent to the supravaginal cervix; this allows for bladder distension. The muscle wall is thick and made up of a criss-cross of involuntary fibres mixed with fibro-elastic connective tissue. The mucosa of the body of the uterus is the endometrium, made up of a single layer of cuboidal ciliated cells forming simple tubular glands which dip down to the underlying muscular wall. Below this epithelium is a stroma of connective tissue containing blood vessels and round cells. The vaginal aspect of the cervix is covered with a stratified squamous epithelium continuous with that of the vagina. With degeneration of the corpus luteum there is shrinkage of the endometrium, the arteries retract and coil, producing ischaemia of the middle and superficial zones, which then desquamate. It is probable that spasm of the vessels in the basal layer (which remains non-desquamated) prevents the woman bleeding to death. Only very slight desquamation and bleeding takes place in the mucosa of the cervical canal. The mucosa is formed of columnar, mainly ciliated cells and lies in longitudinal ridges, each of which is thrown into numerous folds. The ova are propelled to the uterus along this tube, partly by peristalsis and partly by cilial action. When this occurs in the Fallopian tube it is called, according to the exact site, fimbrial, ampullary, isthmic or interstitial, of which the ampullary is the commonest and interstitial the rarest. This second fate is particularly likely to occur in the narrow and relatively non-distensible isthmus; rupture is usually into the peritoneal cavity but may rarely occur into the broad ligament. The ovary has two other attachments: the infundibulopelvic ligament (sometimes called the suspensory ligament of the ovary), along which pass the ovarian vessels, sympathetic nerves and lymphatics from the side wall of the pelvis, and the ovarian ligament, which passes to the cornu of the uterus. Relations the ovary is usually described as lying on the side wall of the pelvis opposite the ovarian fossa, which is a depression bounded by the external iliac vessels in front and the ureter and internal iliac vessels behind and which contains the obturator nerve. However, the ovary is extremely variable in its position and is frequently found prolapsed into the pouch of Douglas in perfectly normal women. The ovary, like the testis, develops from the genital ridge and then descends into the pelvis. In the same way as the testis, it therefore drags its blood supply and lymphatic drainage downwards with it from the posterior abdominal wall.

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At physiological pH, over 98% of the total exists as ammonium, and less than 2% exists as ammonia cholesterol oxidation buy vytorin 30 mg on-line. To excrete the rest of the hydrogen ions and achieve balance, there is a second means of excreting hydrogen ions that involves ammoniagenesis and excretion of hydrogen ions as ammonium. Quantitatively, far more hydrogen ions can be excreted by means of ammonium than via filtered buffers. There are many nuances to hydrogen ion excretion via ammonium, but the basic concepts are straightforward. After many intermediate steps, processing of the carboxyl group of the amino acid produces bicarbonate, and processing of the amino group produces ammonium. Processing does not stop there, however, because ammonium in more than minuscule levels is quite toxic. We can write this process as follows: Glutamine released from the liver is taken up by proximal tubule cells, both from the lumen (filtered glutamine) and from the renal interstitium. This is new bicarbonate, just like the new bicarbonate generated by titrating nonbicarbonate buffers. The ammonium ion has interesting chemical properties in that it can masquerade as other ions, in some cases as a hydrogen ion and in other cases as a potassium ion. This is because some transporters and some channels are not completely selective for the species they usually move compared with ammonium. As the concentration of ammonium rises, there is an increasing tendency for ammonium to substitute for these other ions and "sneak" its way across membranes. Also, whenever ammonium is present in body fluids, a small fraction (2% at physiological pH) always exists as ammonia because the dissociation, although limited in extent, is nearly instantaneous. Ammonium, being a small hydrated ion, is essentially impermeant in lipid bilayers and must be handled by channels or transporters if it is to move across membranes, but the neutral ammonia has a finite permeability. In terms of cellular handling, cells sometimes transport ammonium as such and at other times transport ammonia and a proton in parallel, the end result being the same in both cases. Some also enters the thin limbs from the medullary interstitium in the form of neutral ammonia and is subsequently reprotonated in the lumen (ammonium recycling). A prominent one involves uptake and secretion of neutral ammonia via specific transporters in parallel with hydrogen ion secretion, resulting in reformation of ammonium in the lumen. An array of channels and transporters participates in moving ammonium or ammonia into or out of the tubule in various segments. But if ammonium is returned to the circulation, it is metabolized by the liver back to urea, consuming bicarbonate in the process, thereby nullifying the renal generation of bicarbonate.

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The pharynx, which connects the nose and mouth to both the esophagus and trachea, is also critically involved in swallowing cholesterol ratio triglycerides quality 30 mg vytorin. The pharynx thereby permits complex coordination of voluntary swallowing with functions such as respiration and speech. Central input also controls the contractile function of the upper one third of the esophagus. The somatic nerves that innervate these structures have motor end plates that terminate directly on the striated muscle fibers. Like the remainder of the gastrointestinal tract, it is surrounded by two muscle layers: the innermost. Sensory afferents located in the esophagus likewise project via the vagus to the brain region of the medulla known as the nucleus tractus solitarius in the dorsal vagal complex. Cell bodies in this region also project to the motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus, which control a pattern generator for the oral and pharyngeal components of swallowing. These clearly contribute to both sensing the presence and nature of esophageal contents and coordinating local reflexes that supplement central control of swallowing and esophageal peristalsis. This network of enteric neurons can produce secondary peristalsis of the smooth muscle portion of the esophagus even in the absence of vagal input. In health, these components of deglutition are tightly integrated, but for simplicity we will consider each in turn here. These events occur almost simultaneously, which is in contrast to the slower motility changes that occur more distally in the esophagus, as will be discussed later. First, the larynx and soft palate move upwards, closing off the airway and nasopharynx, respectively. Next, contraction of several muscles in the anterior portion of the pharynx causes forward displacement of the larynx and pharynx as well as helping to open the upper esophageal sphincter. Sphincter opening also depends on relaxation of the encircling cricopharyngeal muscle. This is accomplished by a suppression of impulses normally occurring to this region, coordinated by the swallowing center via the nucleus ambiguus. Longitudinal contractions of the pharynx also bring the upper esophageal sphincter close to the base of the tongue, whereupon a pressure gradient developed by the tongue and pharyngeal muscles serves to force the bolus through the sphincter. Finally, the posterior wall of the pharynx contracts in a transverse fashion to clear the area of any remaining food residues. The sequencing and thus the direction of this propulsive process appears to be hardwired, with contraction of more distal segments occurring at longer latencies following the swallow than in those close to the pharynx. This means that the ability of the body to transfer food from the mouth to stomach is largely independent of body orientation-one can swallow food while hanging upside down. The peristaltic wave requires up to 10 seconds, on average, to sweep solid esophageal contents along its length.

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Again the compensation occurs as the alkalosis develops, with the point moving along an intermediate course cholesterol test recommendations 20 mg vytorin order overnight delivery. A simple approach to interpreting a blood gas set is to first look at the pH to determine whether the predominant problem is acidosis or alkalosis. The base excess or base deficit is the number of milliequivalents of acid or base needed to titrate 1 L of blood to pH 7. Base excess can be determined by actually titrating a sample or by using a nomogram, diagram, or calculator program. Similarly, an alkalemia could represent more than one cause of alkalosis, an alkalosis with some compensation, or even an alkalosis and a separate underlying acidosis. For example, if the pH is low and the Pco2 is increased, then the primary problem is respiratory acidosis. If the pH is low and the Pco2 is near 40 mm Hg, then the primary problem is metabolic acidosis with little or no compensation. If both the pH and the Pco2 are low, there is metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. It should be slightly increased in uncompensated respiratory acidosis, high in partially compensated respiratory acidosis, and low in metabolic acidosis. If the pH is high and the Pco2 is low, then the primary problem is respiratory alkalosis. If the pH is high and the Pco2 is near 40 mm Hg, then the problem is uncompensated metabolic alkalosis. If both the pH and the Pco2 are high, then there is partially compensated metabolic alkalosis. The bicarbonate should be slightly decreased in respiratory alkalosis, decreased in partially compensated respiratory alkalosis, and increased in metabolic alkalosis. The sum of all of the plasma cations must equal the sum of all of the plasma anions, so the anion gap exists only because all of the plasma cations and anions are not measured when standard blood chemistry is done. Hypoventilation can be caused by depression or injury of the respiratory centers in the brain (discussed in Chapter 38), interference with the nerves supplying the respiratory muscles, as in spinal cord injury, neuromuscular junction diseases such as myasthenia gravis, and altered mechanics of the lung or chest wall, as in noncompliant lungs due to sarcoidosis, reduced chest wall mobility because of kyphoscoliosis or obesity, and airway obstruction. Ascent to high altitude causes alveolar hypoxia because of the reduced total barometric pressure encountered above sea level.

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The central artery of the retina emerges from the disc and then divides into upper and lower branches; each of these in turn divides into a nasal and temporal branch cholesterol lowering foods and supplements vytorin 30 mg buy with mastercard. Contents of the eyeball Within the eyeball are found the lens, the aqueous humour and the vitreous body. The lens is biconvex and is placed between the vitreous and the aqueous humour, just behind the iris. The aqueous humour is a filtrate of plasma secreted by the vessels of the iris and ciliary body into the posterior chamber of the eye. From here it passes through the pupillary aperture into the anterior chamber (between the cornea and the iris) and is re-absorbed into the ciliary veins by way of the sinus venosus sclerae (or canal of Schlemm). The anterior part of the hyaloid membrane is thickened, receives attachments from the ciliary processes and gives rise to the suspensory ligament of the lens. This ligament is attached to the capsule of the lens in front of its equator and serves to retain it in position. It is relaxed by contraction of the radial fibres of the ciliary muscle and so allows the lens to assume a more convex form in accommodation (close reading). The four recti arise from a tendinous ring around the optic foramen and the medial part of the superior orbital fissure and are inserted into the sclera anterior to the equator of the eyeball. The superior oblique arises just above the tendinous ring and is inserted by means of a long tendon that loops around a fibrous pulley on the medial part of the roof of the orbit into the sclera just lateral to the insertion of the superior rectus. The eyeball is capable of elevation, depression, adduction, abduction and rotation. Superior oblique Inferior rectus the special senses 427 Levator palpebrae superioris Superior rectus Intraconal fat Eyeball Optic nerve Dural sheath Inferior rectus Extraconal fat Fascial sheath of eyeball. Inferior oblique Orbicularis oculi Superior tarsal plate Conjunctival sac Inferior tarsal plate Orbital septum front. It is pierced by the vessels and nerves of the eye and by the tendons of the extra-ocular muscles. Each consists of the following layers, from without inwards: skin, loose connective tissue, fibres of the orbicularis oculi muscle, the tarsal plates, of very dense fibrous tissue, tarsal glands and conjunctiva. The eyelashes arise along the mucocutaneous junction and immediately behind the lashes there are the openings of the tarsal (Meibomian) glands.

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In-depth understanding of plasticity in spinal nociceptive pathways is a key requirement for targeting chronic pain states daily cholesterol intake chart purchase 30 mg vytorin. Nociceptive Neurons Defined by their excitatory input, nociceptive neurons include all neurons that are excited by noxious stimuli. This classification is irrespective of the function or functions that the neurons might serve. Still others are excitatory interneurons or motoneurons that trigger withdrawal responses. Thus, excitation of a given type of nociceptive neuron may be irrelevant for the sensation of pain. Antinociceptive Neurons Antinociceptive neurons are defined by their output and inhibit nociceptive neurons or nociceptive responses. Some antinociceptive neurons are excited by noxious stimuli and thus constitute a subgroup of nociceptive neurons. Principal Pain Neurons Defined by their function, principal pain neurons trigger the sensation of pain when activated. It appears, however, that in the peripheral nervous system, some (but not all) nociceptive nerve fibers are principal pain neurons. Excitation of a subgroup of primary afferent nociceptive nerve fibers is sufficient to trigger pain sensation in human subjects (Van Hees and Gybels 1981). This supports the specificity theory of pain (von Frey 1894), which states that pain is a "specific sensation, with its own sensory apparatus independent of touch and other senses. Good candidates are nociceptive-specific spinal dorsal horn neurons (Christensen and Perl 1970) with a projection to the thalamus, the midbrain periaqueductal gray, and/or the parabrachial area. Some of these ascending nociceptive pathways could constitute "labeled lines" for pain (Craig 2003). Pro-nociceptive Helper Cells Activation of pro-nociceptive helper cells does not directly mediate pain sensation but rather facilitates nociception. Pro-nociceptive helper cells may be excitatory interneurons, descending tract neurons, or non-neuronal cells such as glial cells or blood cells that facilitate discharges in nociceptive neurons. Hyperalgesia Hyperalgesia was originally defined as "a state of increased intensity of pain sensation induced by either a noxious or ordinarily non-noxious stimulation of peripheral tissue" (Hardy et al 1950). Later, the term allodynia was coined for pain in response to normally non-painful stimuli.

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Conjugated bile acids are present in both bile and intestinal contents as anions because they have a lower pKa than the unconjugated forms cholesterol comparison chart generic vytorin 20 mg amex. This allows enterohepatic circulation of bile acids to be coordinated with the period when they are needed to help digest the meal. Because the bile acids are osmotically active, canalicular bile is transiently hyperosmotic. However, the canalicular tight junctions are relatively permeable, and so water is drawn into the canaliculus to balance this, along with plasma cations to maintain electrical neutrality. Other secondary solutes also enter bile passively from the plasma, including glutathione, glucose, amino acids, and urea. Cholesterol is also secreted into the bile, particularly in humans, at a ratio of approximately 0. Canalicular bile, in health, also contains conjugated bilirubin, which gives bile its characteristic brown color, and a variety of other organic anions and cations that arise from the biotransformation of xenobiotics and endogenous hormones. Phosphatidylcholine, a component of the hepatocyte membrane, enters the bile and forms mixed micelles with the bile acids. Although phosphatidylcholine is only one of the phospholipids present in the hepatocyte plasma membrane, it is selectively secreted into bile. The bile ductules are lined by cholangiocytes, which are columnar epithelial cells specialized to modify bile composition. The tight junctions linking the cholangiocytes are much less permeable than those linking hepatocytes. They are freely permeable to water, but are only selectively permeable to electrolytes and impermeable to larger solutes. The ductules also serve to scavenge solutes that were filtered into the bile at the leaky canaliculus. Sodium ions follow paracellularly to maintain electrical neutrality, in turn drawing additional water into the bile and increasing its volume and flow. Finally, the ductules secrete IgA molecules into the bile that contribute to host defense. The large bile ducts are thought to have little ability to modify bile composition, other than by adding mucus. Hepatic bile is isoosmotic with plasma, slightly alkaline, and contains appreciable quantities of IgA but essentially no glucose or amino acids. This means that considerable quantities of bile acids are needed to solubilize the quantities of products of fat digestion that are derived from a typical diet on a daily basis.

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