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The role of filaggrin mutations has not yet been conclusively elucidated in occupational allergic contact dermatitis treatment modality definition buy cefaclor 500mg with mastercard. Great care must be taken in the accurate distinction between contact dermatitis and endogenous eczema, and between irritant and allergic contact dermatitis (although there can be considerable overlap). Skill is needed, not only in dermatology, but also in taking an occupational history [10,11], and in obtaining as detailed a picture as possible of what the patient actually does at work [12]. The clinical distinction on the hands, forearms or face between endogenous eczema, irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis is beset with pitfalls. Differences in the distribution and morphology are useful guides, but this can be misleading. There is a tendency for vesicular eczema of the palms and sides of the fingers to be endogenous. Gross eyelid swelling usually indicates allergic contact dermatitis, but degrees of eyelid swelling can occur in both irritant contact dermatitis and endogenous eczema. It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of a sound working knowledge of occupational irritants, as well as allergens, and of patch testing, in overcoming these difficulties in clinical differentiation. In identifying the primary and/or major cause of a contact dermatitis, antecedent and aggravating causes should not be neglected. Diagnosis of secondary bacterial infection in occupational contact dermatitis, for example, may allow significant improvement to be obtained with antibiotic therapy. Guidelines on the management of contact dermatitis have been formulated by the British Association of Dermatologists [13]. Disease course and prognosis As seen in occupational irritant contact dermatitis, reactions can persist for months or years despite allergen avoidance. Up to 50% of patients experience significant adverse effects of quality of life, daytoday activities and home relationships [8]. Although testing for immediate hypersensitivity is not always a part of the assessment of contact dermatitis, it can be important, Occupational allergic contact dermatitis 130. The two tests in common use are the skin prick test and the estimation of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood. The glove usage or challenge test requires a highly allergenic brand of glove and is potentially dangerous - emergency treatment facilities for the management of anaphylaxis are needed [15]. Skin prick testing involves an intradermal puncture through a drop of allergen or glove. A positive reaction consists of an urticarial weal, which is usually apparent after 15 min, although it may take as long as 45 min to develop. A positive control test of histamine should also be performed to exclude a false negative reaction due to oral antihistamine ingestion. A negative control prick test with for example saline should also be performed to check if the patient is dermographic. Skin prick tests and use tests (where test substances are applied to the skin in ways close to real-life use/exposure and observed) are also useful when investigating protein contact dermatitis in occupations at risk, such as chefs or veterinarians [17]. This is particularly so when the allergens concerned are known to have a multiplicity of industrial uses, such as chromium, cobalt and colophonium.


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Both the cells and their nuclei are rounded; the nuclei are vesicular or hyperchromatic with a high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio medications that cause weight gain discount cefaclor 500 mg with visa. The cells are distributed singly among the prickle cells, or in clusters in a pattern similar to that seen in superficial spreading melanoma. The Paget cells may also be seen in appendage ducts, so that it can be impossible to determine if these cells are migrating from these ducts to the epidermis, or invading downwards into the ducts from the epidermis. An underlying breast carcinoma, if present, is not always seen on biopsy, as it may be deeply set. Careful examination of the amputated breast may show an intraduct carcinoma, sometimes of quite small dimensions, usually situated most distally, but sometimes in the terminal ducts, and often appearing to spread between the two layers of epithelial cells of the duct. The cells may accumulate within and distend the ducts and spread in both directions. At a later stage, the carcinoma becomes invasive and behaves like classic breast carcinoma. The main pathological challenge is to distinguish Paget disease from malignant melanoma, the latter exceptionally presenting in the nipple [15,16]. Positivity to antibody to S100 protein is not useful, as although it is positive in the great majority of melanomas, this is also the case in a proportion of cases of Paget disease. The current view is that the majority of cases of Paget disease arise from either invasive or in situ ductal carcinoma in the deeper breast tissue. The regional glands should be examined; they are rarely enlarged when a mass cannot be felt, but are enlarged in more than half the cases with a detectable tumour. The change may occasionally involve not only the skin of the breast but also spread on to the chest wall. This is frequently bilateral and runs a more fluctuating course, improving in response to local treatment and spreading rapidly when irritated. Eczema lacks the sharp, raised and rounded margin and the superficial induration of Paget disease. Bowen disease and superficial basal cell carcinoma may also produce a similar clinical picture. They are both very uncommon on the nipple and can be differentiated histologically. Psoriasis and erosive adenomatosis of the nipple may also need to be considered in the clinical differential diagnosis, and again a biopsy to obtain pathology will clarify the situation. The current view is that in about 75% of cases, extramammary Paget disease arises as a primary intraepidermal neoplasm, possibly from apocrine gland ductal cells or from keratinocyte stem cells.

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Postirradiation morphoea is a potential complication after radiotherapy medicine cabinet shelves generic 500 mg cefaclor amex, particularly radiotherapy for breast cancer [10,11]. Treatment is very difficult, with poor results reported from all modalities tried including topical and systemic steroids and phototherapy. Sclerosing postirradiation panniculitis is a rare condition presenting as subcutaneous nodules in previous irradiated sites. Erythema nodosum has also been reported to occur as a result of radiotherapy treatment [12]. The suggested mechanism for the hypopigmentation is radiationinduced apoptosis of susceptible melanocytes. In patients with previous vitiligo, the risks and benefits of radiation therapy should be carefully weighed in order to prevent undesired cosmetic results, particularly if an alternative therapy is available. The misuse of drugs is often thought of as mainly a problem among adolescents and young adults but it also occurs among children and older adults, although patterns of use tend to differ in different age groups. Drug taking behaviours may occur as experimental use, occasional and recreational use, or as regular and dependent use of drugs. These three dimensions can be regarded as being conceptually distinct and separate. In reality, of course, they may be related (sometimes closely) in a number of ways. Drug dependence (addiction) differs fundamentally from the mere use of drugs: it is manifested, psychologically and behaviourally, in feelings of compulsion to use drugs and difficulty in resisting those urges, and these changes are underpinned by neurophysiological changes in the brain. Many forms of drug use, but especially drug dependence, can cause a wide range of serious health and social problems, and the use of medical health services among persons with substance use disorders is far higher than for the general population. All doctors can expect to see substantial numbers of patients who use illegal drugs, though this will often not be made explicit at the time of seeking treatment. Every year the problems associated with drug abuse and its consequences cost the country many billions of pounds. Health costs include the treatment of a wide range of medical problems as well as the treatment of psychiatric and addiction problems. Medical care costs associated with heroin addiction and its associated medical complications account for a large proportion of the treatment costs. Other costs are incurred by social services, and for policing, interdiction and processing offenders within the criminal justice system. For the dermatologist, skin eruptions induced by illicit drugs may be encountered in a variety of clinical settings. Dermatoses in this group of patients may range from pharmacological side effects of the drug to cutaneous complications of drug administration [3].

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The possibility of sexual abuse sometimes has to be considered in a child whose lichen sclerosus medicine x topol 2015 buy discount cefaclor 250mg, despite appropriate treatment and compliance, has not responded as expected. It may affect the ano genital skin and mucosa without involvement elsewhere but can also present at multiple sites, requiring multidisciplinary management [1] (see also Chapter 37). Investigations A biopsy can confirm the diagnosis and is essential in atypical disease or if there is a failure to respond to treatment. There are no randomized controlled trials providing evidence for any particular corticosteroid or treatment regimen being more effective than any other. The regimen currently recommended for a newly diagnosed case is initially clobetasol propionate ointment once nightly for 4 weeks, then alternate nights for 4 weeks, and twice a week for a further month [58]. A 30 g tube of clobetasol propionate should last 12 weeks, and the patient is then reviewed. Others will continue to have flares and remissions and they are advised to use clobetasol propionate ointment as required. Recent reports have suggested the use of the calcineurin inhibitors tacrolimus [60] or pimecrolimus [61] as steroidsparing alternatives. The treatment should be a short course and it should not be used long term as the safety of these immunosuppressants is still unknown, particularly as the condition carries a risk of neoplastic change. Surgery is only indicated for the management of functional problems caused by postinflammatory scarring, premalignant lesions and malignancy [64]. Epidemiology Incidence and prevalence the incidence in the general population is unknown but in one study of 3350 women attending a vulval clinic, 3. An association with hepatitis C infection has been reported in some Mediterranean and Japanese populations but not in northern Europe [6]. Pathophysiology Lichen planus is probably a Tcellmediated inflammatory disorder but no causative antigen that may trigger the Tlymphocyte response has been found. Immunofluorescence studies reveal uneven staining of the basement membrane zone for fibrinogen and immunoglobulin M (IgM), cytoid bodies and, on occasion, IgG or IgA. If vaginal disease is present, a serosanguinous discharge and postcoital bleeding may occur. Clinical variants Three clinical forms are recognized but there may sometimes be overlap features. The typical violaceous papules are seen on the outer labia majora, interlabial sulci and clitoral hood.

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The eruptive appearance of melanotic macules and papules in the anogenital region may be associated with advanced meta static adenocarcinoma [6] medicine qvar inhaler 250mg cefaclor purchase visa. On histological examination there may be increased basal epidermal pigmentation, with or without benign lentiginous melanocytic hyperplasia, or an increase in basal melanocyte number. Patients ask for treatment of penile melanosis as it is unsightly and embarrassing, but options are limited [2]. Part 10: sites, sex, age hypopigmentation Striae as a consequence of growth or weight surges are common around the pelvic girdle, or represent a complication of topical corticosteroid application [14]. Vitiligo is a commonly observed affliction of the male genitalia, although patients may be unaware of it and clinicians might not always observe it [15]. Penile vitiligo attributed to the use of topical imiquimod for the treatment of genital warts has been described [16]. A common factor in many but not all causes of swelling may be oedema or lymphoedema. Causes of anogenital lymphoedema and penoscrotal swelling are listed in Boxes 111. Iatrogenic swelling and lymphoedema Congenital defects of the inguinal canal and other noninguinal peritoneal leaks can lead to scrotal and penile swelling as a manifes tation of dialysate oedema in patients with endstage renal failure treated by continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [3]. Genital oedema is commonplace in intensive care units, because of the practice of maintaining a raised right heart filling pressure. Radical cancer surgery and/or radiotherapy to the anogenital area and the lymphatics can cause swelling because of lymphoedema, early or delayed [4]. Chronic oedema, resembling keloid, of the penis has been caused by a condom catheter for neurogenic bladder [5]. Increasingly, patients seek plastic surgery to the penis [6] for psychosexual reasons. Idiopathic lipogranuloma Cases of characteristic, spontaneously resolving, painless, Yshaped swelling of the scrotum embracing the penile root, with sclerosing eosinophilic lipogranuloma on histology and electron microscopy (but no exogenous lipids) and associated with blood eosinophilia (one patient had arthralgia), have been reported from Japan [7]. It results in impotence in more than 50% of those affected [3,4] and can lead to gangrenous penile necrosis [5]. Venoocclusive priapism results from persistent obstruction to venous outflow from the lacunar spaces. It is a potential vascular emergency because, as the corporeal bod ies expand to maximal volume, an obstructed outflow causes decreased arterial inflow, with the potential for ischaemia, pain, fibrosis and hence impotence. Arterial priapism is usually sec ondary to trauma, such that a damaged cavernosal artery causes unregulated blood flow to the lacunar spaces; it is thus non ischaemic [1]. Dys morphophobia, depression and psychosis may be present, and attempted suicide is a real risk in such patients [1,2].

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Sclerotherapy may be indicated for prominent veins in areas of atrophy following involution medicine lodge treaty purchase 500mg cefaclor mastercard. Histology shows large lobules of small vessels in a stroma of fibrous tissue containing abnormal appearing arteries and veins [5]. Retrospective analysis of the relationship between infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis. Inverse correlation between varicella severity and level of antivaricella zoster virus maternal antibodies in infants below one year of age. Epidemiological data of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome in France from 1997 to 2007 and microbiological characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus associated strains. Clinical features, diagnosis, and pathogenesis of chronic bullous disease of childhood. Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis 4 HernandezMartin A, NunoGonzalez A, Colmenero I, et al. Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis of infancy: a series of 15 cases and review of the literature. Abnormal pigmentation in hypomelanosis of Ito and pigmentary mosaicism: the role of pigmentary genes. Propranolol for infantile haemangiomas: single centre experience of 250 cases and proposed therapeutic protocol. Initiation and use of propranolol for infantile hemangioma: report of a consensus conference. Randomised controlled study of early pulsed dye laser treatment of uncomplicated childhood haemangiomas: results of a 1year analysis. Partially involuting congenital hemangiomas: a report of 8 cases and review of the literature. Typically, exanthematic drug reactions do not show the sys temic involvement, such as fever, that would characterize a viral infection [1]. An exanthem is the most frequent of all cutaneous reactions to medicines (Box 118. Epidemiology Exanthematous reactions are the most frequent presentation of nonimmediate (nonimmunoglobulin E (IgE)) drug allergy. There is a brisk superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate with many scattered interstitial eosinophils. Less common are eruptions with large macules, polycyclic and gyrate erythema, reticular eruptions and sheetlike erythema.

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It may remain localized or may gradually become widespread medicine vicodin generic cefaclor 500mg overnight delivery, usually reaching its maximum extent and intensity by the eighth day. It tends always to be more severe in neonates who are small for dates, whatever their gestational age. Physiological scaling may occasionally be fairly pronounced but not generally sufficient to lead to confusion with any of the more serious types of congenital ichthyosis. Milder varieties of ichthyosis, such as ichthyosis vulgaris, may be difficult to distinguish, and it should be borne in mind that Xlinked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia may present with scaling of the skin in the neonatal period [15]. One or two solitary blisters or erosions are occasionally present at birth on the fingers, lips or forearms, and are believed to be caused by vigorous sucking in utero; hence the term sucking blister. The scalp hair is shed synchronously during the fifth month of fetal life, and having regrown enters telogen in a wave from front to back, starting about 12 weeks before term. After shedding of the telogen hairs from the frontal and parietal areas, the roots again enter the anagen phase in a similar wave from front to back [17,18]. The roots in the occipital area do not enter telogen until term, and therefore rather conspicuous alopecia may appear at this site at birth or within the first 2 months (neonatal occipital alopecia). There appear to be two waves of hair loss and regrowth from front to back during early infancy, but by the end of the first year the typical mosaic pattern of hair growth is established [20]. In some babies, there is unusually synchronous hair loss during the neonatal period, resulting in obvious diffuse alopecia (telogen effluvium of the newborn), but, by the end of the first 6 months of life, most babies have a full head of hair. At this stage, the hairline often extends to the lateral ends of the eyebrows, but the terminal hairs comprising this extension gradually convert to vellus hairs during the remainder of the first year of life, causing the hairline to recede to its characteristic childhood position. Sebaceous gland hyperplasia is a physiological event in the newborn, reflecting the influence of maternal androgens. Their frequency has been studied by several authors, and varies somewhat in different racial groups [1,2,3,4]. The vernix may cover the entire skin surface, or it may be present only in body folds such as the groins. The vernix is comprised of lipids and contains antimicrobial peptides so it may play some role in keeping the skin hydrated and in preventing infection [5,6]. Its colour may reflect intrauterine problems, such as haemolytic disease of the newborn and postmaturity, both of which result in golden yellow staining. Fetal distress in utero may lead to staining of the vernix by the bile pigments present in meconium. Peripheral cyanosis (or acrocyanosis) is a feature of the newborn, particularly the fullterm newborn, and is usually particularly marked on the palms and soles and around the mouth. In the absence of cyanosis of warm central parts such as the tongue, this may be regarded as normal during the first 48 h or so. Up to 15% of neonates show a vivid colour difference along the midline at some time during the first week of life.

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Clinical features the first signs and symptoms of a snake bite are often nonspecific medicine nobel prize 2015 best 500 mg cefaclor, such as general malaise, headache, nausea and vomiting. Following envenomation, several syndromes must be distinguished: neurotoxicity, systemic toxicity, coagulopathy, rhabdomyolysis and renal failure. Fang marks can be easily missed in most snake bites in Australia; in contrast bites from vipers and cobras may cause extensive tissue destruction. Patients should be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of envenomation before discharge from medical care. Antivenom is used when there are definite signs of systemic envenomation or local tissue destruction. Patients who do not receive antivenom should be instructed to seek medical care for worsening of symptoms, signs of coagulopathy or pain. Antibiotics should be given to patients who have signs of infection at the site of the bite. Cat bites Deep puncture wounds are of great concern with cats as they have long, sharp teeth [9]. When bites occur in the hand, osteomyelitis or septic arthritis can occur due to bacteria being inoculated below the periosteum or into a joint [10]. Investigations Wound culture should be obtained if the wound appears to be infected. Radiographs are warranted if the wound seems to have disrupted the underlying bones or joints. Co-amoxiclav is considered first line therapy and effectively reduces the rate of animal bite infections [11]. Patients with dirty wounds and less than three doses of tetanus toxoid, or if the vaccine status is unknown, should receive the human tetanus immune globulin. Patients should also be evaluated for the need of rabies postexposure immunoprophylaxis. Cutaneous light microscopic and ultrastructural changes in a fatal case of jellyfish envenomation. Local and systemic reactions to puncture injuries by the sea urchin spine and the date palm thorn. Dogger Bank itch in the eastern English Channel: a newly described geographical distribution of an old problem. Necrotizing fasciitis caused by group A streptococci has resulted from a human bite on the calf [2].

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On each side medicine keppra generic cefaclor 250 mg visa, the duct of the Bartholin glands can be seen sited between the hymenal ring and posterior part of the labium minus. Lactobacilli are probably the most common organisms, particularly on the mucosal surfaces, as the glycogenated epithelium of the vagina, under the influence of oestrogen, encourages colonization by them. The lactobacilli in turn metabolize the glycogen to lactic acid, which keeps the vaginal pH at approximately 4. They vary in colour from red to blueblack and are normally asymptomatic, but can become quite large and bleed if traumatized, particularly in pregnancy. Fordyce spots these are sebaceous glands seen on the inner aspects of the labia majora and labia minora where the glands do not usually have an associated hair unit. They may be associated with pruritus and sometimes become inflamed and painful in the week prior to the menses. Rarely, they become very large and can be mistaken for a sebaceous gland adenoma [9]. Labial and clitoral variations There may be a persistence of the most caudal elements of the milk line in the labia majora, and there is great variation in the size and symmetry of normal labia minora. There may be very marked hypertrophy of the labia minora, some cases of which are examples of neurofibromatosis. Labial adhesions may occur as an inherited familial trait [3] or in association with abnormal sexual differentiation. In general, most occur in the neonatal period and early infancy, and usually divide spontaneously by the time the child is 6 years old. Accessory labioscrotal folds are well described in males, usually in association with a perineal lipoma. The clitoris may be absent because of a failure of the genital tubercle to fuse, it may remain hypoplastic [5] or it may be enlarged because of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. A pseudocyst of the clitoris, caused by a build up of keratinous debris under clitoral hood adhesions, can occur in lichen sclerosus. Virilization of the external genitalia may also occur with maternal ingestion of testosterone or synthetic progestogens in the first trimester, and if taken later in pregnancy there may be clitoral hypertrophy alone. An imperforate hymen is usually discovered at puberty and is caused either by failure of the epithelial cells of the hymen to degenerate or by scarring after an inflammatory reaction in the hymen at birth.

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Other sources include polishes medicine zithromax buy cefaclor 500 mg low cost, waxes, inks, adhesive tapes and bandages, anticorrosive coatings, sealants and cutting oil emulsions. It is essentially a mixture of two longchained stereoisomers, cetyl and stearyl alcohol. Reports of allergy are often anecdotal, although there is evidence of it being a significant allergen complicating varicose eczema and ulcers, with up to 16% positive reactions in patients with these conditions attending for patch testing [13,16]. Avoidance of medicaments, including emollients, is more difficult, as they are not always fully ingredient labelled. Emulsifying wax is an ingredient that may be listed without it being clear that the preparation contains cetearyl alcohol. It may be preferable to provide a sensitized individual with a list of products free of cetearyl alcohol. Although it is an uncommon allergen, its ubiquitous presence in dermatological therapies means that identification of allergy is important. Some antihistamines are chemically related, which may be of significance to the sensitized patient. In general, the prevalence of allergy reflects the amount of nystatin/ neomycin sulphate/gramicidin/triamcinolone acetonide cream being used in the catchment area of those being tested, as this is the usual source of sensitization. It is a component of oral and parenteral aminophylline preparations, which may also come in contact with the hands. Other systemic and topical medicaments are also related to ethylenediamine, most notably hydroxyzine and probably cetirizine and levocetirizine [19,20], as well as piperazines [21], which include the antihistamines meclozine and cyclizine [22]. Industrial exposure is potentially wide, as it and related amines are used as epoxy hardeners and in coolant oils, wiredrawing lubricants, floor polish remover, antifreeze, synthetic waxes, anticorrosive paints and dye manufacture. It is used as a rubber stabilizer, but we have not seen sensitization occurring from rubber garments. Occupational patterns will depend on the source of the exposure, but the hands are the most likely site to be affected. In those sensitized to epoxy systems, there is often concomitant sensitization to epoxy resin, with an associated exposedsite pattern of dermatitis. The avoidance of topical exposure to the creams containing nystatin, neomycin sulphate, gramicidin and triamcinolone acetonide is essential. Examples include antioxidants (butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene, tbutylhydroquinone and gallates), surfactants. These chemicals are colourless until oxidized by hydrogen peroxide in the presence of ammonia, and polymerized by a coupler, often in the presence of other intermediates, to produce a variety of shades of colour that stay fast within the hair shaft [1]. Many disperse dyes used to dye synthetic clothing and fibres are azo dyes and these are discussed in the secton on clothing. The use of these has become very popular amongst Other excipients There is potential for virtually any vehicular component of a cosmetic or medicament to cause sensitization. The scalp is often relatively spared, but severe oedema and weeping of the scalp margin, ears and eyes, with more extensive secondaryspread eruptions, may be seen. The patient does not always recognize the relationship of the skin eruption to dyeing the hair.

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Giacomo, 54 years: Disease course and prognosis There is very little tendency for local recurrence even in cases classifed histologically as atypical. Temporal comedones Inflammatory papules and cysts Retroauricular involvement Nose involvement Associated systemic findings Acne vulgaris Teenage Present Rare Rare 3 Uncommon Often spared Rare Halogen acne Any 130. Synonyms and inclusions y Immersion foot s Introduction and general description Trench foot and immersion foot are regarded as similar processes.

Ramirez, 57 years: Oral antibiotic therapy is seldom of lasting value, although the elimination of specific secondary infection organisms such as Streptococcus milleri may be effective. The first line treatment is intravenous penicillin (200 000 units every 4 h) for 57 days in adults. In early lesions, the predominant infiltrating cells are histiocytes, lymphocytes and eosinophils, with few giant cells, but the giant cell infiltrate quickly follows.

Hjalte, 33 years: Orofacial granulomatosis has been associated with contact allergy to food additives and some of these individuals may obtain a favourable response, often only partial, to dietary elimination of the identified allergens [8] (see also Chapter 110). This involves applying a stoma bag together with accessories such as additional hydrocolloid washers or skin pastes to the nonstoma side of the abdomen. Leprosy reactional states are more common and the decline in immune reactivity may also lead to an increase in drug resistance [8].

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Total customer reviews: 209


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