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We will review the occurrence of posttraumatic seizures because they have many similarities to postoperative seizures treatment kawasaki disease meldonium 500 mg purchase mastercard. In general, early seizures are due to cerebral edema, inflammation at the surgical site, oxidative stress, and disruption of the integrity of the neuronal cell membrane. Free radical generation: Tissue trauma causes extravascular leakage of blood components. Extravasation of erythrocytes leads to hemolysis and deposition of hemoglobin within neural tissue. Iron released from hemoglobin reacts with hydrogen peroxide in surrounding tissue to generate free radicals, which leads to immediate cortical hyperexcitability as well as epileptogenic focus formation. Intracerebral abscesses are associated with a particularly high risk of seizure activity. Dysregulation of inhibitory interneurons by anesthetic agents: Commonly used anesthetic agents can increase the liability to seizure activity. Subanesthetic doses of thiopental have been shown to precipitate both clinical and electrographic seizures in patients after insertion of intracranial electrodes. Increased manipulation of cerebral tissue during procedures increases the risk of postoperative seizures. There is a 15% incidence of postoperative seizures after cranioplasty performed to repair skull defects after decompressive craniectomy. In a series of 36 such patients, 7 had immediate seizures, 2 had early seizures, and 27 had late-onset seizures (after 7 days). In those with cerebral abscesses the incidence of late, unprovoked postoperative seizures with many years of follow-up is 92%. In general, the risk of developing seizures decreases with the passage of time after surgery, with the risk of developing new seizure activity falling to less than 10% by 6 months,25 although patients with surgically treated abscesses have a risk of developing new seizures that persists after 5 years. A study of 877 patients in a neurosurgical center in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s (none with prior history of epilepsy) who underwent supratentorial neurosurgery reported that 17% developed postoperative seizures. Of those who had postoperative seizures, 77% occurred within 1 year and 92% occurred within 2 years. For those with mild head injury, the increased risk compared with the general population persisted for 5 years but not thereafter. Increased number of operative interventions in the management of trauma is correlated with increased risk of late posttraumatic seizures. Prophylaxis or treatment of early posttraumatic seizures is not known to influence the subsequent development of posttraumatic epilepsy or any other outcome measure.

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In contrast medicine naproxen 500mg cheap meldonium 500 mg on line, diffusive removal is dependent on the concentration gradient and, therefore, is more efficient for the removal of small solutes. Because of the requirement of large volumes of sterile substitution solutions to replace the ultrafiltrate, these techniques are not widely used for the treatment of chronic dialysis patients in the United States. Because of diffusive loss across the semipermeable hemodialysis membrane (dotted line), the plasma concentration in the blood outlet is much lower. The thin arrow across the dialysis membrane represents a small amount of fluid loss (which is not necessary for solute removal). A high dialysate flow rate is used to maintain the concentration gradient across the dialysis membrane for solute removal. Plasma concentrations of solutes in the blood compartment remain unchanged as blood travels the length of the fiber and are similar to their concentrations in the ultrafiltrate. The hemofiltration membrane (broken line) has relatively large pores, which allow the necessary removal of a large volume of fluid (heavy arrow). Replacement fluid is infused into the blood outlet to lower the plasma concentration of solutes and compensate for the fluid loss. Analogous to hemofiltration, plasma concentration of solutes remains unchanged throughout the length of the glomerular capillary and is similar to that in Bowman space. Fluid removal across the glomerular basement membrane (broken curve) is large (heavy arrow). Reabsorption of fluid from the renal tubules lowers the plasma concentration of the solutes. This plateau is reached at different clearance values depending on the size of the solute and the specific membrane characteristics (porosity, thickness, surface charge, the chemical composition of the membrane, etc. These summative membrane characteristics are called the mass transfer coefficient (Ko). The mass transfer coefficient is specific for the membrane used and the solute being considered; for dialyzers, this is usually represented as KoA, where A is the effective surface area of the specific dialyzer. Manufacturers generally provide the KoA of the different solutes for the specific dialyzer, and the clearance of specific solutes at different blood and dialysate concentrations can be calculated from such values. Thus if the maximum blood flow rate (above which the negative arterial pressure prepump exceeds -250 mm Hg) is 350 mL/min, then the optimal dialysate flow rate is around 600 to 700 mL/min. The mass transfer coefficient is usually represented as KoA, where A is the effective surface area of the specific dialyzer. The total amount of solute removed during a dialysis procedure can be calculated from Kt (where K, the clearance in mL/min, is multiplied by the time [t] of the procedure in minutes); this assumes that the clearance (K) remains constant throughout the time of the procedure. Thus the dose of dialysis is usually defined as Kt/V, where V is the volume of distribution of that particular solute. Urea has been the index molecule used to define the dose of dialysis as it is easily measured, is small and therefore diffuses readily across a dialysis membrane, and, importantly, its volume of distribution (total body water) can be calculated from the weight of the patient.

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Redundant catheter is secured to the lumbar skin in a circular fashion to avoid catheter displacement and reduce the risk of infection symptoms uterine prolapse discount meldonium 500 mg buy online. Neurotrauma and midline shift have been shown to be predictors of catheter misplacement. The most readily accepted definition of catheter-related infection in published literature most closely resembles that advocated by Mayhall et al. Formal recommendations regarding venous thromboembolism prophylaxis for patients with or requiring external ventricular drainage do not exist; however, there does not appear to be an increased risk in catheter-related hemorrhage in patients who begin chemical prophylaxis 24 hours after placement. Analysis of freehand catheter placement at a single high-volume neurosurgical center was undertaken by Kakarla et al. Similarly, both Patil and Saladino found that nearly 90% of catheters were placed in an appropriate location. At our institution, a single dose of low-molecular-weight heparin or subcutaneous heparin is held prior to the removal of the hardware, after which the medication is allowed to continue on its regular dosing schedule. A 1993 study by Blei and colleagues demonstrated Clinical Pearl Unintended rapid drainage from a lumbar drain after cranial surgery. Similarly, in a series of 486 patients treated with lumbar drainage for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, Wynn et al. Minor Side Effects Temporary nerve root irritation and transient headache are the two most common minor complications discussed in the literature. Transient "low pressure" headaches can be seen in upwards of 60% of patients undergoing lumbar spinal drainage and typically resolve with a reduction in drainage rate and analgesia. Clinical Pearl Slow wean (over 96 hours with progressive increase in height draining apparatus) of ventriculostomies may not have any benefit over rapid wean (immediate closure) in preventing long-term shunt dependence. Interestingly, the authors also noted that the silver-impregnated catheter group had a significantly lower shunt conversion rate, hypothesizing that the silver impregnation not only had an effect on late infections while the catheter was in place, but also after its removal. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics may select for resistant bacterial strains, lead to increased incidence of antibiotic-related complications (allergies, Clostridium difficile colitis), and a significant increase in costs. The results of randomized controlled trials by Wong and Holloway demonstrate that this practice does not achieve the desired results; rather, Wong et al. Duration of intracranial pressure monitoring does not predict daily risk of infectious complications. A bundle approach to reduce the incidence of external ventricular and lumbar drain-related infections: clinical article. External ventricular drain infection: the effect of a strict protocol on infection rates and a review of the literature.

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Surgery on the thoracic and lumbar spine can be approached posteriorly the treatment 2014 online buy 500 mg meldonium with amex, anteriorly, or laterally. Injury to large vessels such as the iliac arteries and veins, bowel, pleura, and other structures can result in life-threatening complications. The overall incidence for neurological injury after posterior cervical spine fusion is 0. Vertebral Artery Injuries Injury to the vertebral artery during cervical spine surgery can be devastating and lead to severe problems such as fistulas, pseudoaneurysm, dissection, bleeding and thrombosis, embolism, cerebral ischemia, and even death. Stroke from this complication generally involves the posterior circulation and thus can lead to issues related to brainstem or occipital cortex function. Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy may also be needed to help prevent thromboembolic events. Blood Loss Blood loss can be significant regardless of approach and can continue into the postoperative period. Although major vascular injuries are rare with anterior lumbar procedures, blood loss will be rapid and difficult to control if the iliac vessels are injured. Posteriorly, epidural venous bleeding is one of the more common causes of rapid blood loss. Certain aspects of these operations, such as costotransversectomies and osteotomies, have the potential for greater blood loss because of segmental intercostal vessels and the complex system of venous drainage of the vertebrae. Anterior or anterolateral approaches to low cervical or high thoracic vertebrae are at risk for injury to the major vascular structures in the neck and chest. Postoperative Neurological Complications and Causes for Reoperation Worsened myelopathy may be present in up to 4% of these procedures. These deficits may resolve without reoperation; however, some patients may need to return to the operating room for repositioning of the hardware. Pedicle screws may also need to be repositioned because of their proximity to major blood vessels such as the aorta. Rod or pedicle screw breakage or loosening is common in the first 2 years postoperatively and can require reoperation. Rapidly evolving neurological deficits within or near the operative site should raise alarm for a potential epidural hematoma (see section on epidural hematoma later in this chapter for workup). Decisions regarding power of attorney, advanced directives, and do not resuscitate orders should be solicited regardless of treatment choice. Some patients will require a staged spine procedure performed on separate days, typically because of an expected prolonged procedure with high blood loss or a combined anterior and posterior approach to the spine.

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The most common upper age limit for living donors is 65 years old medicine 0829085 trusted 500 mg meldonium, and this cutoff was reported at 21% of American transplant centers in a 2007 survey. Despite these survey results, between 1992 and 2011, there were only 1200 living kidney donors 65 years of age or older in the United States, with approximately 100 per year in the past few years. The first reason is that advanced age may lead to inferior graft outcomes in the recipient. This question has been addressed in a few recent analyses, and fortunately, the results are encouraging. It is important to note that graft survival from these older living donors was actually superior to younger standard criteria deceased donors. A subsequent analysis showed that recipients of live kidneys from donors above the age of 70 had similar graft survival to those who received standard criteria allografts from 50to 59-year-old deceased donors (hazard ratio 1. A second reason for the importance of the age of living donors is related to comorbidity. Advanced age is often associated with increased comorbidity, which may lead to more perioperative complications at the time of the donor nephrectomy. Other than a longer hospital stay (median difference, 1 day), living donors older than 60 years of age do not have a significant difference in minor complications. Although being overweight and having prediabetes are not absolute contraindications to donation on their own, this young man may not be an appropriate donor because of his future risk for disease. In contrast, a 63-year-old white woman with well-controlled hypertension on one medication might be a suitable donor given that her lifetime risk for kidney failure is much lower than that for a younger patient without risk factors. Approximately two-thirds of American centers exclude donors with a creatinine clearance less than 80 mL/min per 1. From the perspective of the transplant recipient, it is crucial to ensure that kidney mass and function are adequate to prevent premature graft loss. Lower values can provide adequate kidney mass and may be appropriate for certain recipients. However, from the perspective of the living donor, the appropriate clearance threshold might be somewhat different. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring should be considered if isolated office hypertension is suspected. Hypertension was previously considered a contraindication to donation, but practice is now quite varied. Only 47% of programs exclude donors with normal blood pressure on one antihypertensive medication; 36% continue to exclude only those with persistently borderline blood pressure values. The increased acceptance of hypertensive donors is based on favorable data from select, mostly white, patients with well-controlled hypertension who have undergone living donation. Limited outcome data are available from hypertensive donors in other populations who may be at higher risk. Until further data are available, the use of living donors with hypertension should be restricted to white donors.


  • A deceased donor is someone who has recently died. The heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, and pancreas can be recovered from an organ donor.
  • First-degree burns affect only the outer layer of the skin. They cause pain, redness, and swelling.
  • Residual brain damage
  • Be in a safe environment
  • Left heart catheterization
  • Do NOT move a person with an injured hip, pelvis, or upper leg unless it is absolutely necessary. If you are the only rescuer and the person must be moved, drag him or her by the clothing.
  • Washing of the skin (irrigation) -- perhaps every few hours for several days
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  • Uncoordinated movement
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Screening for genetic abnormalities may allow for an individualized perioperative plan medications with weight loss side effects cheap meldonium 250 mg buy, including plasma exchange and/or calcineurin inhibitor avoidance, which may lessen recurrence risk. In patients with liver disease not caused by viral hepatitis, liver function testing and a liver biopsy should be considered to assess the severity of disease. In patients with significant liver disease and/or cirrhosis, consideration of combined liver-kidney transplant may be an option. In patients with chronic active hepatitis and elevated liver enzymes, liver biopsy should be performed, and posttransplant antiviral therapy. The decision whether to transplant can be difficult, and specialist assistance will usually be required. In addition, high-risk patients, such as those with diabetes, should be screened with a postvoid residual. Efforts should be made to preserve the native bladder, and selfintermittent catheterization is preferable to urinary diversion with ureteroileostomy. Patients with significant exposure to cyclophosphamide should be screened with cystoscopy to rule out malignancy. Pretransplant nephrectomy should be considered in patients with severe reflux or recurrent nephrolithiasis with infection, difficult-to-control hypertension, severe nephrotic syndrome, and symptomatic polycystic kidneys. However, 570 Section11-DialySiSanDtranSplantation identification of individuals at risk is difficult and not often apparent during the transplant workup. In general, one should be cautious in restricting access to transplantation in those at risk for nonadherence. Patients with addiction or a history of chemical dependency should be offered counseling and rehabilitation. Many programs require a period of abstinence before a patient is put on the waiting list. Those individuals with major psychiatric illness should receive appropriate psychiatric care with the recognition of potential medication interactions and side effects. At the time of transplantation, a final cross-match is completed to ensure tissue compatibility. Because not all positive cross-match results are due to antibodies that cause hyperacute rejection, further laboratory tests may be necessary before transplantation. Recipients with a current negative cross-match but a historical positive cross-match may undergo transplantation, but they are at a higher risk for antibody-mediated rejection.

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The bone is either cryopreserved (placed in a freezer) or surgically placed in an abdominal subcutaneous pocket medications zanx buy generic meldonium 500 mg on line. The method of storage is often determined by surgeon preference because data indicate there may be no difference in the risk of subsequent infections. However, this approach is often performed as a craniectomy, even in unruptured cases, to better preserve the posterior fossa dura, which is more fragile compared with the supratentorial dura. In these instances, a cranioplasty using a metal mesh is often performed at the time of the initial surgery. Used for patients allergic to cefazolin For brain relaxation Given rapidly over 15 minutes at the beginning of the case for brain relaxation. Typically, if not already present, a radial arterial line is placed for close hemodynamic monitoring. At our institution, we do not routinely obtain central venous access for unruptured aneurysms. When there is concern for intraoperative aneurysm rupture, large-bore venous access is obtained to allow for aggressive volume fluid resuscitation and rapid blood transfusion. Large-bore venous access should be secured when concern for air embolism is high. Intraoperative administration of medications depends on aneurysm location and rupture status. Prophylactic antibiotics, such as cefazolin (2 g every 4 hours) or clindamycin (600 mg every 6 hours), may be given intravenously to prevent surgical site infections. Dexamethasone may also be administered to reduce vasogenic cerebral edema (Table 9. After the induction of anesthesia, arterial and/or venous catheter placement, and review of operative medications with the anesthesia team, the patient is delivered to the surgical team. If intraoperative angiography is planned after aneurysm clip placement, then an arterial femoral sheath is placed prior to final patient positioning and draping. During the temporary clipping maneuver, efferent and/or afferent vessels are briefly occluded to facilitate aneurysm dissection and clipping. Indications for temporary clipping include intraoperative aneurysm rupture, aneurysm manipulation that may result in release of emboli, high aneurysm turgor that precludes optimal clip placement, and the need to open the aneurysm for optimal clip placement. The incidence of intraoperative rupture is 7% to 19%; the wide variability is due to the initial rupture status of the aneurysm. Khan and colleagues recently demonstrated the safety of this technique in relation to 30-day perioperative cardiac complications and mortality in patients with a low risk of coronary artery disease. A formal and thorough sign-out should be given by both the neurosurgical and anesthesia teams to the neurocritical care team to ensure all team members understand what occurred in the operating room and the resultant postoperative plan. A comprehensive understanding of the nuances of the surgery should prompt the critical care practitioner to probe the neurosurgical and anesthesia teams to clarify any unanswered questions (Table 9. Surgical drains may be connected to a self-sustaining suction bulb to allow for a slow, continuous drainage of fluid. As the bulb fills, it will lose suction, indicating that the fluid should be emptied from the collection reservoir, measured and recorded, and suction reapplied.

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In general the decision to extubate should be biased toward a more cautious approach symptoms multiple sclerosis buy cheap meldonium 250 mg on line, especially after long and complex cases and especially at night or other times when there are fewer critical team members available. Although the lack of a cuff leak generally would argue against extubation at the time, the presence of an air leak alone does not always indicate that it is safe to extubate. Reports estimate that this occurs in roughly 8% of patients25; however, some studies demonstrate ranges from 1. Female patients and elderly patients are more likely to develop dysphagia soon after surgery. Anterior spinal procedures are often performed for cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy. This background information is required to evaluate for new neurological deficits postoperatively. Neurological deficits can arise from direct injury to the spinal cord and nerve roots intraoperatively, compression from bone grafts or instrumentation, or from hematoma, especially if the posterior longitudinal ligament is removed during the procedure, allowing a connection with the epidural space. If the deficit is progressive, especially if associated with airway issues, immediate reexploration should be considered. Although uncommon, injury to the carotid artery and/ or jugular vein can occur with excessive sharp dissection and/or use of sharp-edged retractors. Similarly, the superior and inferior thyroid arteries, which commonly cross at C3 and C7, respectively, can be injured during the anterior cervical exposure. Given the continuation of the fascial compartments with the mediastinum, esophageal and hypopharynx perforation can lead to potentially lethal infections that may spread via the fascial compartments or spaces. It presents as neck and throat pain, pain and difficulty with swallowing, hoarseness, and aspiration. These patients will likely require broadspectrum antibiotics to prevent mediastinitis from presumed infection with gut flora and potentially a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement while the perforation heals. The majority of dural breaches are seen intraoperatively; however, given the limited view, smaller dural lacerations may not be recognized. In these cases, patients may present postoperatively with neck masses, leakage from the wound, meningitis, dysphagia, or orthopnea. After attempted primary repair, there are several different management options that can be employed to reduce the pressure on the repaired dural breach and allow the area to scar in, thus preventing any further morbidity. These include keeping the head of the bed above 30 degrees for a specified number of days postoperatively and/or insertion of a lumbar drain with continuous drainage over a 2- to 3-day period. Regardless of the management algorithm employed, the patient should receive close followup to detect any potential return of symptoms.

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Management of total paralysis of the brachial plexus by the double free-muscle transfer technique medicine norco discount meldonium 500 mg overnight delivery. A prospective clinical evaluation of autogenous vein grafts used as a nerve conduit for distal sensory nerve defects of 3 cm or less. Processed allografts and type I collagen conduits for repair of peripheral nerve gaps. Nerve Injuries: Operative Results for Major Nerve Injuries, Entrapments, and Tumors. Diagnosis of root avulsions in traumatic brachial plexus injuries: value of computerized tomography myelography and magnetic resonance imaging. Brachial plexus injury: clinical manifestations, conventional imaging findings, and the latest imaging techniques. The importance of the preoperative clinical parameters and the intraoperative electrophysiological monitoring in brachial plexus surgery. Early functional recovery of elbow flexion and supination following median and/or ulnar nerve fascicle transfer in upper neonatal brachial plexus palsy. Outcomes of brachial plexus reconstruction in 204 patients with devastating paralysis. The influence of pre-surgical delay on functional outcome after reconstruction of brachial plexus injuries. Neuropathic pain is common after brachial plexus injury and can persist until nerve regeneration is complete. Pain management referrals are usually appropriate for patients with avulsion injuries because they may require high doses of narcotics and possibly procedural intervention (stellate ganglion blocks, peripheral nerve stimulator, and dorsal column stimulator). The brachial plexus of nerves in man, the variations in its formation and branches. The utility of various sensory nerve conduction responses in assessing brachial plexopathies. Adult peripheral nerve disorders: nerve entrapment, repair, transfer, and brachial plexus disorders. Brachial plexus injury: nerve reconstruction and functioning muscle transplantation. Nerve transfer to biceps muscle using a part of ulnar nerve for C5-C6 avulsion of the brachial plexus: anatomical study and report of four cases. Nerve transfer to deltoid muscle using the nerve to the long head of the triceps, part I: an anatomic feasibility study. Seventh cervical nerve root transfer from the contralateral healthy side for treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion.


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This also ensures that the incision avoids the vein of Labb and the e optic radiations 97110 treatment code purchase meldonium 250 mg visa. Postoperatively, the neurointensivist should note visual field deficits that correlate with the surgical area of interest. The craniotomy in both cases should be sufficiently low in order to access the middle and inferior temporal gyri. However, the latter trajectory interrupts the corpus callosum and is thus contraindicated in patients with preoperative homonymous hemianopsia; there is also the risk of postoperative alexia. The craniotomy should expose the superior sagittal sinus and extend laterally 3 to 4 cm. As with all tumors near the midline, care should be taken to preserve the large draining veins when reflecting the dura medially. Because the atrium of the ventricle is 17 Tumors of the Lateral Ventricle and the Pineal Region 179 paramedian, the splenium should be incised lateral to the midline, revealing the internal cerebral veins. Infratentorial Supracerebellar Approach the infratentorial supracerebellar and occipital transtentorial approaches are the most common surgical trajectories for pineal tumors. A midline incision above the external occipital protuberance in the region of the lambdoid suture is made to extend down to the C2 vertebrae. This approach is favored for tumors with inferior involvement of the cerebellomesencephalic cistern. T Perioperative Considerations Key Concepts Position the patient in the appropriate manner to maximize surgical safety and visibility of the tumor. When a separate anterior entry is used for biopsy, a 0-degree lens offers posterior third ventricle visualization. Rigid endoscopes are perceived to improve diagnostic yield and allow for the use of wider biopsy forceps to allow for larger tumor specimens. With the addition of endoscopes to the neurosurgical repertoire, there have been reports of endoscopic infratentorial supracerebellar approaches for pineal tumors. The endoscope is inserted via a paramedian corridor in order to avoid vermis obstruction. This section will briefly review patient positioning with regard to pineal tumor resections. Historically the positions included sitting, prone, lateral, and the Concorde position. For the anesthesiologist, the position provides improved pulmonary mechanics, access to the face and endotracheal tube, and access to lines in the upper extremities. Due to the elevated position of the head high over the thorax, the risk of venous air embolism obligates the anesthesiologist to place additional monitors, including precordial Doppler, end-tidal nitrogen, and a right atrial catheter (an invasive procedure). Some centers use continuous intraoperative transesophageal echocardiogram, although this adds time and cost.

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Ateras, 61 years: Downward cerebellar herniation results when the cerebellum is compressed into the foramen magnum.

Tuwas, 35 years: However, it is clear from many studies that longer prophylaxis (>12 weeks) does not prevent or delay late seizures or epilepsy, but does expose the patients to possible adverse effects and probably decreased rehabilitation potential.

Darmok, 34 years: When it is not possible to correct dysconjugate gaze, visual occlusion may be necessary.

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Total customer reviews: 42


  • Spiegel R, Raas-Rothschild A, Reish O, et al. The clinical spectrum of fetal Niemann-Pick type C. Am J Med Genet A 2009;149A:446.
  • Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE et al. Towards complete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy: the STARD initiative. Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy. BMJ 2003; 326: 41-4. 12.
  • Gottlieb LM, Handelsman JC. Treatment of outflow tract problems associated with continent ileostomy (Kock pouch). Report of six cases. Dis Colon Rectum 1991;34:936-40.
  • Shaver JA. Cardiac auscultation: a cost-effective diagnostic skill. Curr Probl Cardiol. 1995;20:441-532.
  • GUPTA R et al: Genital herpes. Lancet 370:2127, 2007.